So, we're going to try to set the record straight.
When questioned about the lack of success in the downtown area renovation projects, Mayor Schock claimed that the public money spent there WAS productive. "Property values are up," he said.
And I wondered how he could say that. Restaurants have closed, condos are empty, office space is vacant...even the cowboy hat store/Mexican bus depot has closed.
Then I figured out where he's getting his numbers. It dawned on me that he was reading the tax bills.
He should know better than to do that. We showed the Kimball Street row house listed at $120,000, down from $400,000 per unit during the initial offering. Most of those units were never sold. But if you looked at the tax bills, you'd think things were just fine.
Here's an example of what I mean. 692 Summit Street.
Here's a chart of the taxes paid on the home:

And here's what the tax man says the house is worth (Assessed Value x 3):

But the REALITY is that the home is worth far less. And here's a chart showing the estimated market value of the home:

The REALITY is that the home won't even sell for $59,900 and yet the property value on the book at Kane County shows the home worth $182,541.
So, here's the charitable view of what he told us about downtown Elgin: Ed Schock is living in a bureaucrat's world of tax assessment, oblivious to the reality of vacancies and distressed properties.
And here's a less charitable view of what he said: He's spinning the truth at the forums.
More to come on other topics he told us about.
Thank you for this enlightenment as it is appreciated.