A little background on how the city operates is in order. Council members receive a packet of information a few days before their meetings. And they get BACKGROUND info on each proposal. (You can call up the entire packet for any recent meeting on-line.)
This background memo is provided by the staff. It follows a certain outline.
- Item - Identifies it as a unique proposal
- Objective - What they hope to accomplish
- Recommendation - What city staff thinks ought to happen
- Background - A paragraph summarizing why it is needed
- Operational Analysis - Bid results mostly
- Interested Persons Contacted - Lists the people with a vested interest and confirms that someone talked to them.
- Financial Analysis - How much the project will cost
- Budget Impact - Which fund it will come from, and how much money is available
- Legal Impact - Did they follow the law in bidding and selecting
- Alternatives - What else COULD be done
- Next Step - What the council needs to do
- Originators - Who prepared the proposal
- Final Review - Who signed off on it
- Approved - Where the city manager gives his approval
Contrary to what they BOTH told you Wednesday, there is no impact memo and there was no vote taken in open meeting on these initiatives.
In fact, they deliberately avoided any kind of proposal or ordinance because they didn't want to talk publicly about it and be forced to cast a vote.
They were afraid that AFLA would fill the council chambers and the Latino activists would do the same.
As a result, no one was assigned to do the random audits, there was no plan to analyze and report back to council and there was no money set aside to carry it out.
They had no intention of auditing city contractors for compliance with these initiatives.
And both Schock and Kaptain answered the question as though they had.
Is it any wonder that the initiatives came to naught in the end?
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