Saturday, November 22, 2008

The graffiti curse

This photo was taken Tuesday.

By Saturday it looked like this.

Now, to give you some idea, this is a busy Elgin intersection. The lighting is pretty good. It isn't known as a graffiti canvas but if you don't clean it up right away the gangbangers begin to mark their territory.

And "Jinx" has spread out a bit, marking the tunnel as well as the dumpster corral.
I pity the business owner. He's been in Elgin for decades and he really keeps the place up nice. It's the kind of business you want to have in town. But if he has to pay to clean up the mess left by gangs, he'll have second thoughts about moving somewhere else. And anyone looking to move here or start a business will also think twice.
Update: And by 11:00 am on Sunday it was all cleaned up. Thank you!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Elgin Township does the right thing

We received this letter from Elgin Township regarding our request to withhold funding to groups who openly support illegal aliens.

Here's a link to the law they quote in the letter:

On Monday they held their meeting and were met by a large group of rather rowdy latino activists who threatened lawsuits if they didn't grant funding to Centro de Informacion and their parenting class.

We applaud the courage of the township trustees who upheld the law and denied their grant.

These are difficult days for our citizens with lay offs and foreclosures. It is only right that government agencies return to their core missions.

Thank you, Elgin Township.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Who's failing us? Part One, the federal government

When you look at this illegal alien mess it isn’t easy to tell who’s to blame. And as citizens we aren’t privy to the inner workings of government. When things go wrong the problem becomes more difficult since bureaucracies circle the wagons rather than step forward and take the blame.

A case in point is the fatality that started it all for me; Patricia Henneken. Patricia was killed on Memorial Day 2006 by Javier Rico, an illegal alien driving drunk who broad-sided her car out on Golf Road. Rico had a record with the police.

The question was: Why wasn’t Rico deported BEFORE he had a chance to kill Patricia Henneken?

The answer from authorities? Well, Tandra Simonton over at the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office claimed innocence, saying local law enforcement agencies have the burden of reporting illegal aliens under arrest.

And Gail Montenegro, a spokesman for the federal agency Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), said, “We are at the mercy of county officials to let us know.”

Montenegro should have gone on to tell us that a DUI conviction will not get someone deported. They happen all the time and go unnoticed by Immigration. Again, bureaucracies circle the wagons and go into self-protect mode when there’s trouble.

Let me say here that I am not being critical of the cop on the street, or the ICE agent either. They are doing the best they can.

The model is as old as the Roman Army. There is the strategy level where they decide what to do. Then there is the tactical level that takes care of the how. And then there are the brave soldiers who carry the spears in to battle.

The Bush administration has never planned to enforce immigration laws to any degree. Right from the start Bush wanted to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and saw enforcement and deportation as unnecessary. Funding and other resources were never given to Immigration.

If you look at the data Bill Clinton did a better job of worksite enforcement. Only in the last two years has Bush done any serious worksite raids and prosecutions of employers. The same can be said for rounding up the illegal alien fugitives. And cooperation with local authorities has spiked as well. And the number of detention beds for deportations has recently gone up.

What I’m saying is that at the strategic level Immigration enforcement has been weak all along. And Michael Chertoff, the Secretary of Homeland Security even admits it in a backhanded sort of way.

Chertoff told VOA on October 10, 2007: "For many years, the way we dealt with illegal immigration was we paid political lip service to toughness. I think we've got to show the public that we are serious about enforcing the laws as they currently are written."

From Chertoff’s report on the state of immigration reform, November 6, 2006: “I think you’ll remember that this past August, after Congress failed to pass the proposed immigration reform bill, we announced that we were going to use the tools that we have, such as they are, sharpen them up and go about the business of getting control of the border. And to that end, this past August the administration announced a series of reforms to strengthen immigration enforcement and to meet our nation’s workforce needs to the extent the law permits so that we could try to fill the gap left open by Congress’s failure to act to address the challenges comprehensively.”

Chertoff Press Conference August 10, 2007: “We're obviously disappointed in the fact, as is the President, that Congress has not chosen to act on our comprehensive solution. The Senate bill that we worked on would have given us important new tools and resources to strengthen border security, increase and toughen interior enforcement, and help meet the needs of our growing economy through a temporary worker program. Our hope is that the key elements of the Senate bill will see the light of day at some point. But until Congress chooses to act, we're going to be taking some energetic steps of our own.”

Bush himself admitted that laws were being broken regularly and that the American people wanted a show of enforcement before they would trust congress with immigration reform. Read his remarks of June 7, 2006 at

So, yes, we blame Washington for allowing things to get this bad. We blame them for not enforcing the laws on the books. And we are more than a little suspicious when they do a press release telling us what a great job they are doing by rounding up 50 illegal alien gang members three times a year.

We see it as part of the package to show some enforcement so they can pass amnesty.

Again, we think the ICE agent on the street is great. He’s doing his job the best he can with what he’s been given. Our beef is with the people in Washington and Oak Brook.

Who's failing us? Part Two, Elgin

An interesting thing happened in September. Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran held a press conference to reveal that 21% of his inmates were confirmed illegal aliens. And Immigration was falling all over itself to be there and show support to Curran. So were all sorts of other dignitaries.

If I’ve learned anything about Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) these two notions stand out:
1) ICE goes where they are invited. If Chicago wants to be a sanctuary city then ICE will not spend much time there. If the Kane County Jail is lukewarm about enforcement, ICE won’t press the issue. You’ll never see ICE call a news conference to say that such-and-such a jurisdiction is uncooperative. But they will go somewhere else if they get the cold shoulder. And who can blame them? They’ve got plenty of work elsewhere.
2) ICE doesn’t like negative publicity. They go out of their way to avoid being criticized for their failures.

So, if we have a local community (like Elgin) willing to stand up against illegal aliens in a public way ICE will be there to help.

We know from reviewing arrest records that we have a number of people in custody who are clearly deportable under current guidelines. Some that stand out are:
Known gang members
Previously deported
ICE fugitives who have defied deportation orders

So, why aren’t they being picked up by ICE? Well, ICE may not know about them until it is too late. Elgin Police Department does the screening by looking them up on the computer. When they get a “hit” the logical thing to do is to pick up the phone and tell ICE about it.

Update: On January 21st Chief Womack issued a memo to city hall explaining the process. Details emerged that were never answered in our request to city council on 7/28/08. Strangely, those details were also omitted when the Chief made a presentation on the subject to the city council on 12/17/08.

She said that "hits" exposing illegal aliens are immediately phoned in to the local ICE office for instructions.

It is true that the written reports are forwarded to the ICE officers at the Kane County Jail for review.

Actual memo can be viewed here:

But Elgin doesn't do that. They simply log the results on a spreadsheet and process the illegal alien just like they would anyone else. Then after the end of the month (sometimes WEEKS AFTER) they send the report with all the details to the local Immigration office.
Can you see the problem with such timing? The criminal illegal alien is long gone by the time ICE opens up the report.

As a result there have been ten repeat arrests of illegal aliens (about 5% of the total) in Elgin. Why aren’t they deported the first time? Because Elgin isn’t demanding it.

The mayor and city council have been made aware of this problem and have not taken action. Have they ever discussed these monthly reports in city council meeting? No. Have they followed the pattern set by Sheriff Curran and called a press conference? No.

When Chief Womack met with our group in August she was very pleased with the way things were going. In fact, she liked things BEFORE they started 100% screening. Elgin Police leaders do not want to make this a bigger issue. They are content to wait for signals from Washington about amnesty.

All the while we are processing about one illegal alien a day and keeping it a secret from Immigration until it is too late to do anything about it.

Just a word about the brave officers who strap on a gun for us every day. We do not mean to criticize them at all. The problem is at the top. It has been our experience that the cops on the street want to enforce the law; they want to make our streets safe.

Our beef is with the leadership at city hall for not directing the chief of police to do more. Merely keeping score of the numbers does not solve the problem.

In New Jersey and Colorado state leaders have taken steps to do 100% screening and create a paper trail that they have notified Immigration of people in custody. They are also required to notify the prosecutor, the county jail, and the judge setting bail.

When someone dies as a result of sloppy immigration enforcement we will wish we had done more than just keep score.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"I pledge allegiance..."

(Photo taken on Ann Street, right here in Elgin)

Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN:
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American and nothing but an American. … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag. … We have room for but one language here and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” (From a letter dated January 6, 1919)

Thumbs up...

...for Kane County State's Attorney John Barsanti.

Thumbs down for the judge who let Garcia go.

In the Herald today is a police report about an arrest for cocaine in Carpentersville. Here's the report:

"• Acting on information that a man had cocaine in his possession, police executed a search warrant at 398 Tee Lane at 8 p.m. Tuesday. Seven plastic bags containing about 13 grams of cocaine were found in a black leather coat hanging in a basement closet at the residence, a police report said. Charges of delivery and possession of a controlled substance were filed against Esteban Garcia, 32, of the same address, police said. The Kane County State's Attorney's Office asked for a high bond for Garcia because he had come to the United States illegally and was considered a flight risk. Garcia posted a $7,500 bond Wednesday morning and was released from the Carpentersville lockup. His next court date has been scheduled for Nov. 19 at the Kane County Judicial Center." Daily Herald 11/13/08

Barsanti was absolutely right to request a high bond.

We question the wisdom of a judge who would allow Esteban Garcia back out on the street. $7,500 is chump change for a drug dealer.

Speaking of "failure to appear" it seems that our lady who tried to beat the train at Kimball Street and killed her sisters and nephew in the process has fled back to Mexico. Is anyone surprised?

So, what can we do? Some states have enacted laws requiring high bail or none at all, calling illegal aliens inherent flight risks. Don't hold your breath in Illinois.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

After the library...

Just east of the library as all those U46 students head home with their books in Spanish (sigh) they walk past this old warehouse located at 300 Brook Street.

Here they can see graffiti from half a dozen Elgin gangs.
(Yes, I reported it to the city.)

Monday, November 10, 2008

What we know about gangs in Elgin

After over six months of research a committee on gang intervention reported to the city council.

This report, delivered on June 11, 2008 revealed the following statistics:

There are 1,088 documented gang members, or about 1% of the population.
  • 72% are active
  • 10% are in jail
  • 7% are inactive
  • 10% have been deported

Of the 1,088
  • 54% are Hispanic
  • 34% are African American
  • 8% are White
  • 4% are Asian

  • 98% are male
  • 2% are female

  • 4% are under 17
  • 16% are 18-21
  • 40% are 22-28
  • 38% are 29-39
  • 3% are over 40

Gangs found in Elgin are
  • Insane Deuces
  • Latin Kings
  • La Raza
  • 13s
  • 14s
  • Maniac Latin Disciples
  • Spanish Cobras
  • Spanish Gangster Disciples
  • Lao Posse
  • Gangster Disciples
  • Four Corner Hustlers
  • Vice Lords

The report went on to propose after school programs and efforts to strengthen the role of parents.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement was not listed as a participant in the discussions and no recommendations about illegal aliens were put forth in the report.

News coverage about gang crimes omit any information about immigration status and known gang members are not deported even when they are in custody in Elgin city jail.

There is a documented disconnect between immigration screening and enforcement.

More graffiti near Larsen Middle School

The Family Dollar Story at 611 Dundee Avenue is right next to Larsen Middle School. With 657 impressionable students one would think cleaning up graffiti would be priority #1.

So I drove by there today and the original graffiti was still there...but on the south side of the building there is more. Here are the photos. (Sorry for the genital one. I just take the pictures.)

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up - Thank you!

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up - Thank you!

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up - Thank you!

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up - Thank you!

Update 11/13/08 - NOT cleaned up

Update 11/13/08 - NOT cleaned up

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up - Thank you!

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up - Thank you!

And this one (not part of the Family Dollar property) at Hill and Jefferson, also near the school.

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up - Thank you!

These gangs are bold and dangerous as recent attacks near Douglas Avenue attest. Allowing them to get away with their gang signs is a sign of surrender. We cannot do that.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Another walk

I took the camera and walked east this time.
I wasn't disappointed. Graffiti at 840, 850, and 860 Summit Street. Here are the photos:

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up

Update 11/13/08 - Cleaned up

All were reported to the city graffiti hotline.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A walking tour

It was lovely weather on election day so I walked to the bank and to the Legion Hall to cast my vote. I took along the camera.

Along the way I took some photos of unpaved parking surfaces and graffiti. Here are the results:

Unpaved parking between Porter Court and Liberty on the south side of Summit.

Just down the street on the north side of Summit (just west of the fire station) was more unpaved parking.

Then at 431 Summit someone had tagged the garbage can with graffiti. I believe the group is the “TBS” for True Bombin’ Soldiers.

Walking north on Dundee I noticed that the homes along the north side of Summit (400 block) have all sorts of unpaved parking in the back. These homes are behind the empty Dunkin Donuts shop on the corner.

Then at about 555 Dundee you see this unpaved parking right out front.

And yet another one at Dundee and Enterprise.

The Family Dollar store right next to Larsen Middle School has graffiti on the parking lot light pole and the realtor sign out at the street. (You don’t suppose the middle school students notice these things, do you?)

At 593 Dundee they have decorated the sidewalk outside Mitchell Insurance.

523 Columbia. More unpaved parking.

628 Lincoln. Ditto.

639 Lincoln (I’m guessing at the address since I didn’t see one). Unpaved parking.

And more unpaved parking at 544 Jefferson.

For the record, I was cited for parking on the gravel back in February. I’ve now planted grass there and we don’t park there.

So...go to it city fathers. With four seats up for grabs I expect this to be cleaned up before the primaries in February.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Please vote today

The polls close at 7:00 pm.

If you observe any voter fraud call:
630-208-5328 (Kane County State's Attorney)
and 800-253-3931 (US Department of Justice)

And send us an e-mail at