Sunday, April 5, 2009

On the air

Dave and Doug will be on WRMN tomorrow (Monday) at 8:oo am.
Tune in to AM 1410 to listen.


  1. Great show this morning. It's a shame honest people have to pay $$$$ while wrmn puts the crooks on for free,whenever they feel like calling Mike H. by the way mikey H. the radio host LIED when stating he knew little or nothing about 287G. We sent him via u.s. mail a two page info sheet direct from ICE website. Did he even bother to read it. Sandor and Mikey are sick,in the way they constantly picked on C'ville. Let's launch program to REMOVE SLANDOR!!! He is a stain in Elgin and appears to have contaminated Mikey.

  2. I agree with truckertom,tom sandor is a stain on Elgin. His hate for carpenterville is sorry,misplaced and plain ol' cruel!!The use of WRMN to blast afla and Heaton is beyond the pail. Why does WRMN allow this continuing disgace!call the station and voice your opinion,pro or 847.931.1410. or front desk 847.741.7700. The station has helped put elgin in a bad light! do you care?pls join us sign a petition to remove sandor!!!

  3. Really all Elginites are cast in a bad light in the the continuing negative discourse coming from the sandor program.It is disconcerting at best that Mr. Jaekle endorses this hate speech.Maybe our opinions do matter?Stick up for decent standards@WRMN. Call the station and ask for removing Mr. Sandor,he is not part of the solution and doesn't want to heal.

  4. WRMN never put AFLA on the air until they PAID MONEY. Slandor and little mike are pro illegals. Should they use the station to push the issue. Remember what goes around comes around ELGIN! If the HONEST PEOPLE speak up maybe Jaeckle will wake up and remove the trash from his station.That's all folks!!
