Monday, April 6, 2009

Juan's "Other Job"

City council incumbent Juan Figueroa is a busy man. Maybe too busy. Maybe he needs to be defeated tomorrow so he can devote more time to being a latino activist.

Here's the paper trail. It turns out that State Rep Keith Farnham sent out a political ad last October critical of Ruth Munson's vote to give illegal aliens drivers licenses. If you'd like to see the ads themselves, clilck the links below:

Upon seeing these mailers a group called Latinos Unidos 2008 sent an e-mail to sitting Elgin Councilman Juan Figueroa calling for a meeting to discuss what to do. Here's the message. (Note that they are calling them "anti-immigrants political mailings."):

Date: Friday, October 24, 2008, 9:30 PM
There will be an URGENT meeting at La Quebrada Restaurant tomorrow Saturday at 9:00 AM. Your attendance is very important. There are anti-immigrants political mailings sent out by one of the candidates running for State Representative.
We need to discuss this matter immediately. We hope to see you there.
Hasta pronto,

First of all, these activists are always trying to lump illegal aliens with immigrants as you can see here. They are NOT the same thing, and Figueroa should know better.

People get e-mails all the time and most go right to the trash, but what did Sitting Councilman Figueroa do with this message? He forwarded it to a long list of activists in Elgin. Here are some of the people he invited to this emergency meeting at La Quebrada:
~Two year candidate Emi Morales
~Emi's campaign manager
~A member of Elgin Civil Service Commission
~FOUR current Elgin CITY Employees (using their city e-mail account)
~One current Carpentersville Employee (using their village e-mail account)
~One U46 employee (using their district e-mail account)
~Local immigration lawyers
~The director and a board member of Centro de Informacion
~The entire SOAP distribution list

Now, first of all, the issue. There is NOTHING anti-immigrant about opposing drivers licenses for illegal aliens.

Secondly, should a sitting member of the city council be putting his name out there promoting an issue like this?

We don't think so. But his actions are consistent with someone who takes the oath of office to uphold the laws of the land, then sees no problem with advocating for illegal aliens.

I say it's time to vote AGAINST Juan Figeuroa to give him more time to represent the illegal segment of Elgin's population.

TOMORROW is election day.


  1. RICO laws are being used on other state and local politicians who VIOLATE the oath of office. The time is THIS election to begin to expose the COMBINE in Elgin. Call Federal prosecutors and complain of YOUR civil rights violations. The crooked cops and crooked pols have been at it long,long time. Strength in numbers-- vote dunne prigge robins.... 3600 votes will WIN each a seat at OUR table!!!!!

  2. I'm embarrased to ask this but are these paid positions within city government and how much do they make if they are?

    Elgin and Carpentersville need to make a big statement tomorrow and tell the other seated members that enough is enough. We need to clean up these cesspool cities.

  3. To answer your question, the Elgin city council members are paid $10,000 a year for their service.

  4. Ugh - how frustrating!

    I am voting for the first time tomorrow and I'm voting for Dunne, Prigge, and Robins. Thank you AFLA for educating me and making me WANT to vote.

  5. The combine exists in ELGIN,you can see it everyday. pls join me in asking that WRMN the local Elgin station replace or remove TOM SLANDOR from employment at the station. He is also a LIAR,he promised to have AFLA on his program-2 years ago, never did. His behavior on the day of the BREAKDOWN was strange and bizarre. TODAY he blasted Mr. Heaton over a generic comment made long ago. THIS GUY REPRESENTS MUCH OF WHAT IS WRONG WITH Elgin. Why did he, for years bully and belittle C'ville???? like elgin is some kinda naperville?Let's take the election of the two new councilmembers alot farther. WRMN should not employ a person of SLANDOR's ilk. Call the station and ask whats up with mikey and slandor? We can kick the COMBINE out of elgin. start at our local radio station. maybe slandor does matter??? WHAT SAY YOU????

  6. Good bye mr. fig...,you will not be missed by the legal,honest citizens. Let us seize the day and get rid of the scourge of Elgin-t. sandor. He was at it again TODAY using WRMN airwaves to denigrate and blast Mr. Heaton!! Why does wrmn continue to employ him??? Making fun of C"ville is for sick and sorry 'people'.Think about the message WRMN is projecting,do we the people of Elgin want this??Join us in asking WRMN to remove SLANDOR from 'politics and issues'. He can contract or 'buy' time from wrmn to broadcast his hate. mikey will not even tell us who his lawyer is!! go figure--will you help expose sandor??thanks in advance.

  7. Be careful what you wish for!! Taken literally exposing the "BIGGEST LITTLE MAN in elgin" could be DEVASTATING and harmful to community standards?? :} Let's get busy calling WRMN and mikey,they protected and advanced this guy and his little home business way to long,and stained ELGIN -to boot. 847-931-1410 or 847 741-7700.

  8. SouthWest Neighbors speaking-upApril 14, 2009 at 8:46 AM

    I think removing T. SANDOR from the 'air' on 'Politics & Issues' is great idea!! I called the station and voiced my opinion. His constant harping about carpentersville has become an embarressment to all ELGINITES. The day he chose to attack Mr. Farnum,the sinefelt bill>what the heck was that about??? Our reform group supported the bill and Farnum!Many top local officials refuse to appear with sandor!He talked BBQ they day after election. Mr. Rowlinson weighed in about time allotted to local candidates!! You cannot get thru to WRMN,why they pay sandor to destroy other people and towns show a mindset.RESIGN MR SANDOR you do not represent Elgin as we deserve!
