Thursday, February 26, 2009

Parking problems

Here in Elgin we are grappling with a host of parking problems, even experimenting with odd-even parking bans in some areas.

With the snow plows we sometimes see a car get the hook for parking in the wrong place.

It’s pretty simple really. If your car is parked where it’s not supposed to be it is subject to being ticketed and towed.
If you’ve been at O’Hare to pick someone up in the last seven years you know they are very serious about parking and will tow your car within minutes as a matter of security.
It doesn’t matter if you have an new Cadillac or an old rust bucket, the parking rules apply to everyone.

And we all get upset when cops park in a tow away zone because it just isn’t fair. Hey, we can tell when he’s investigating a crime or just grabbing a coffee. So why is this issue about illegal aliens so hard to understand? Why do so many people think the law doesn’t apply to certain people? What part of “You can’t park here” don’t they understand?

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