Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Drop outs

This Census 2000 map tells a very grim story. Elginites over the age of 25 who have not attended any high school. None. Not even close to a GED. The dark green signifies areas where 30% to 43% of all adults never completed 9th grade.

Here's the companion map; people in the 16 to 19 age bracket not attending school.

Did you know there were areas in Elgin where 60% of our young adults are not enrolled in school? Who knew?

For a little history lesson, in 1960 53% of American-born adult men were high school drop-outs. By 1998 that number had dwindled to 9%. Imagine the accomplishment of our nation to enthrone education to that extent in only 40 years. These maps suggest we may have won the battle but lost the war.

So, it breaks down like this for the Elgin population over 25 years of age:

Less that 9th grade: 2000- 14.1% 2006- 15.2%

9th-12th (no diploma): 2000-12.2% 2006- 9.7%

Bachelors degree: 2000- 14.5% 2006- 15.1%

Masters or higher: 2000- 6.0% 2006- 5.7%

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