Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The oath of office

“I am a firm believer of the United States Constitution, and I swore an oath to uphold that very Constitution upon my election.” ~ an Elgin City Councilman

Every member of the city council and everyone who wears a badge swears an oath to uphold the Constitution and the laws of the United States.

But how far does that oath go?

For example, the mayor admitted that he knows of illegal aliens working in the city as well as employers who knowingly hired illegals. On the radio October 2, 2007 he said, “Of course there have been employee and employer abuses, but the key factor to remember is this; In the Chicago metropolitan area since 1970, 96% of the population growth in the entire six county Chicago metropolitan area has been as a result of Latino immigration. No immigration; no new workers. Our region would have lost jobs because of its inability to provide or find workers.”

And we have heard from council members that businessmen in town have approached them about this illegal alien issue and urged them not to get tough on illegals because they need them as employees.

And surely they know that contractors are hiring illegals for road crews and landscaping on city projects.

So how far does this oath of office go? We certainly hope that Schock notified Immigration when he became aware of those “employee and employer abuses”. And any business owner who even suggests to an elected official that he is hiring illegal aliens ought to be reported to ICE.

Some of our leaders worked in the school system. They were under strict orders to report child abuse wherever they suspected it. They were “mandatory reporters.” One would think that people who took an oath of office would be mandatory reporters of immigration law abuses. Surely if they were aware of a kidnapping or a weapons violation, they would have a moral obligation (if not a legal one) to tell the authorities about it.

But in the last part of his radio quote above Schock explains why illegal aliens aren’t reported: Greed. Go back up five paragraphs and read it again. Cheap labor trumps ethics.

The restaurant owner who calls his councilman and requests that the city “go easy” on the illegals is part of the problem. The councilman ought to report that conversation to Immigration.

Schock blames Washington for turning a blind eye to the problem. We agree with him 100%. But it would appear that our local leaders are guilty of the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. Oath of Office What does it mean to take "the oath of office"? In my opinion the oath of office is the first step toward our leaders laying the template for the laundry list of lies that they will tell the citizens for the duration of their term in office. Example " to uphold the law, serve and protect and to maintain a safe and secure environment for the citizens" clearly this is not in the hearts, minds and agendas of the officials of Elgin,
    This all male dominated elected officials staff only see and hear what they want. They are obviously intimidated by the Hispanic population more than they respect the oath that they took to serve the citizens and the soveriengnty of this community.
    We have too many lawyer lables sitting at our table representing the council's interest not the citizens and it is clear that their interest in welcoming illegals is obviously a financial benefit to them. Perhaps it's more important for them to increase their business practices by doing business with illegals who get into trounle with the law by commiting crimes that require legal representation, helping illegals get jobs to "do work that legal citizens won't do", destroying our community by overcrowding every neighborhood, cloggging every street with multiple vehicles, sucking the life out of every social service organization in town, using the hospitals emergency rooms for free s though that is their personal doctors office, encouraging illicit behavior by catering to a known gang leader as the point person for the city of Elgin's Rec. Center (formerly Gods gym). Are they so stupid to think that a gang member past or current is capable of going straight enough to be given tax payers money and a salary to do the bidding for the city, while surrounded with a mixture of gangs? How can a gang member of one tribe be open and work in a positive manner to their rivals. This is a classic example of the stupidity our leaders are engaged in. If only we could be a fly on the wall and see what goes on within the police department. The stench of corruption is stifling but the citizens of this community never see it nor do they care as long as the problems stays away from their front door. Elgin should have their gand/drug unit disbanded just like Chicago because of the corruption in the department. The mayor says that we don't have enough police officers I beg to differ with him. What I will agree with is there needs to be a change in how the officers that we have are utilized coupled with a significant overhall of how the department will bring about real diversity with in the department and shine a light on the brutality of certain citizens by the police. There should be no one who is above the law and the law should apply to the police officers equally as they apply to the citizens. There should be ongoing evaluations to determine the fitness of officers as well as random drug and alcohol screens. This is the normal protocal for public servants receiving their salaries from tax payer dollars There should be no department allowed to police themselves this equates to adapting the senario of the "Fox being hired to guard the chickens". We the citizens had better wake up and get involved not just to offer lip service, we must all work hand in hand and raise our voices that demand that our elected officials do the job that they were elected to do. The sun is going down on the rights of the citizens of this city and we are sitting silently by allowing a handful of idiots who plan to leave this city leaving us holding the bag while they are sunning in the Arizona's We are the one's who must enforce the words of the oath; that the officals so calliously recited eventhough they had no intentions to uphold them. they just wanted our vote so that they could be seated at the table.
