Thursday, March 31, 2011
Through the eyes...
Here's a document that is part of the City of Elgin's planning process. It shows the Assessed Value of all Elgin properties.
And here is what Elgin looks like, according to Zillow. Now, Zillow is a website that helps people looking for homes. It tracks the REALISTIC value of property, based on what people were willing to pay for homes in the area.
The green line in the chart above is the median value of homes in Elgin. The yellow line represents home values in zip code 60120. The brown line is the home value of 360 North Spring Street in the NENA area.
It is on the market for $110,000. The Kane County clerk is taxing it at $159,000.
We live in different worlds, don't we?
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Schock and Warren improve downtown
The map below shows the location of this new Revenue Drain to our "vibrant" downtown district.
Well, it does take care of two vacant storefronts. The Bandits office is still vacant. Maybe we're already paying for that space. Why not move in there?
By the way Ed, the cardiologists in town are complaining about the location. It's too close to Al's!
On a related note, Stegall has cast in his lot with Schock and Warren on this one. Look for changes in management at Dexter Court if Dave Kaptain wins.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Pardon me...
Mayor Schock defended the Artspace project by saying that it would for the first time be paying property taxes.
Let's examine that for a moment. We are going to use $14.5 million tax dollars and maybe collect $100,000 in property taxes once it gets going.
It will take us 145 YEARS to return our investment!
CORRECTION! I made a mistake above. It is a wrong assumption to think the $14.5 million is the total investment. Remember that this will be SUBSIDIZED housing, so even more tax money will be pumped into the project. If the average per unit Section 8 subsidy reaches $151.52 per month, it will be mathematically impossible to begin paying off the debt.
The Downtown Details
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Index to Forum Rebuttals
What we THINK Schock meant when he said property values are UP in the central district:
The absurdity of Schock's statement that he has done everything he legally can to fight illegal alien criminals in town:
Ed said the white population in Elgin grew by 9%. Here's the census comparison:
A contraption to make sure things don't go over the heads of these two:
Photos taken March 18, 2011 of Schock's downtown success story:
Trying to get a handle on the immigration screening numbers thrown about at the forum:
My complaint about some vague numbers given out by the candidates, and an invitation for them to give us the source data:
Wishing for something more about the rehab program:
Begging to differ on the pre-analysis of the four immigration initiatives:
Analyze This!
Obviously, I was after an answer but got lies. Strong language, I know, but the public record isn't there to support what they told you Wednesday night.
A little background on how the city operates is in order. Council members receive a packet of information a few days before their meetings. And they get BACKGROUND info on each proposal. (You can call up the entire packet for any recent meeting on-line.)
This background memo is provided by the staff. It follows a certain outline.
- Item - Identifies it as a unique proposal
- Objective - What they hope to accomplish
- Recommendation - What city staff thinks ought to happen
- Background - A paragraph summarizing why it is needed
- Operational Analysis - Bid results mostly
- Interested Persons Contacted - Lists the people with a vested interest and confirms that someone talked to them.
- Financial Analysis - How much the project will cost
- Budget Impact - Which fund it will come from, and how much money is available
- Legal Impact - Did they follow the law in bidding and selecting
- Alternatives - What else COULD be done
- Next Step - What the council needs to do
- Originators - Who prepared the proposal
- Final Review - Who signed off on it
- Approved - Where the city manager gives his approval
Contrary to what they BOTH told you Wednesday, there is no impact memo and there was no vote taken in open meeting on these initiatives.
In fact, they deliberately avoided any kind of proposal or ordinance because they didn't want to talk publicly about it and be forced to cast a vote.
They were afraid that AFLA would fill the council chambers and the Latino activists would do the same.
As a result, no one was assigned to do the random audits, there was no plan to analyze and report back to council and there was no money set aside to carry it out.
They had no intention of auditing city contractors for compliance with these initiatives.
And both Schock and Kaptain answered the question as though they had.
Is it any wonder that the initiatives came to naught in the end?
A case in point is the question on the Stimulus Rehabs. It was, "How is this supposed to stabilize these neighborhoods?"
Ed talked on and on about the poor condition of these homes, but never explained the concept as it applies to the neighborhoods.
So, we dump a bunch of money into these homes and sell them as though they were just like the surrounding home prices. One lucky family gets a bargain.
So what? The neighbors are not going to be motivated by this subsidized home with laminate floors, new walls and new toilets. They will never see all the money dumped inside.
After a few years the paint on the outside will peel and the place will look just like the rest.
I repeat the question, How is this supposed to stabilize these neighborhoods?
If figures lie...
Ed Schock made a couple of vague statements at our forum.
One was that the $700,000 investment in the failed Bandits softball field paid for itself in tax revenue from local hotels and restaurants.
I would really like to see his figures to back that up.
The second statement was regarding sustainability. Is it REALLY paying its own way? Show me the data. I agree that some portions of the agenda pay for themselves through savings, but there is all sorts of baggage that does not. Show us the numbers, gentlemen. And show us those numbers in the context of the entire bill for the green agenda.
Immigration Screening Numbers
Dave Kaptain came up with yet another number.
I guess we need to know the time frame here. I feel reasonably confident that 340 illegals were detected between March 1, 2008 and April 30, 2009.
Why? Because EPD provided me a list every month during that time period and I compiled it. The list had sufficient detail (Name, DOB, case#, FBI#, ICE response...) to lead me to believe it was legitimate. And Microsoft Excel adds reasonably well.
I can only guess that Ed's 300 was for the year 2010. That would be believable.
But even Schock's number changes. In October, 90% were not illegal. In March the number is now 95%.
Neither candidate had an answer about their response to the data. I can't get any more direct than to ask, "What ACTION did you take upon reviewing this data?"
In my mind, a responsible city council would have called the police chief into an open meeting and explain that the public safety is at stake, then develop a plan...sort of like the flurry of activity surrounding the green agenda.
They did nothing. Womack continued to dig in her heels and the mayor and city council refused to discuss the issue in council meetings.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Elgin's "Successful" Downtown
Why throw good money after bad?
Schock's answer shocked me. He said these projects have been successful because property values in the downtown district have gone UP.
So I took a little drive and snapped some photos of downtown TODAY. I've got to admit, it looked worse than I thought it would. I didn't have any trouble parking, that's for sure!
The Tower Building has space for rent. That's no surprise.
I got a chuckle out of this one. It was the old Bandits office.
Mad Maggie's is indeed CLOSED.
This building used to be owned by Rep. Keith Farnham. Don't know now.
Quiznos, now closed.
These photos were all taken on Douglas, Grove, Fulton and Spring Streets.
And the mayor calls this a success? Clearly he's missing the point about downtown, the blight and the failure of throwing government money at it.
Making a point stick
Illinois is broke and so is the nation. We are printing money backed by nothing but debt to the likes of China.
The objective is to leave something to your grandchildren, not leave them with a debt to pay for our reckless spending.
My point was that grabbing some pork for Elgin instead of Rockford is a fool's game when we are paying for it with interest.
But both of them rambled on, spouting the revenue source as this grant or that. There was no acknowledgment that grants are not free money at all.
So I got to thinking that neither candidate has any bangs. Maybe these concepts are sailing over the top. Here's a visor that just might trap a few of these ideas so they fall down right before their eyes.
Did I hear him right?
And that the growth is due to higher fertility among Latinos.
It appears to me that the census comparison would indicate that the white only population DROPPED in both percentage and actual numbers.
...and that the ADULTS grew faster than the under 18 group.
Just another example of playing fast-and-loose with the data at the forums.
Toughest town around
Mayor Schock told us at the recent forum that Elgin is doing everything legally possible to curb the presence of illegal aliens in town. He challenged us to name any town that is doing MORE.
Well, let’s give you a little chronology on immigration enforcement in Elgin.
May 2006
Here’s where the enforcement strategy comes in. On May 10, 2006 I received an E-mail response from Lt. Cecil Smith of the Elgin Police. My question was regarding the immigration status of people booked at the jail. Lt. Smith replied, “We do not determine the legal or illegal status of any person being processed. Therefore to asnwer (sic) your question”what do you do next?”. The processing/booking of the person would continue. They would be charge (sic) with the appropriate offense and he/she is either allowed to post bail and released or taken to bond call before a judge. We do not handle immigration issues.”
June 2006
On June 14, 2006 I spoke at the Elgin city council meeting and presented each council member with a binder of data and a list of recommendations to improve our cooperation with federal agencies regarding illegal alien enforcement. My recommendations included:
- Fraudulent document training
- Enforcement of Fraudulent ID laws
- Instructions about the Mexican Drivers License
- Use of the ICE database to screen people booked
- Notification of ICE when an illegal alien is in the city lock up
- Assisting ICE with transport of illegal aliens to ICE facilities
- Becoming a 287g agency.
My request was ignored, so I came back and spoke again…and again…and again…
July 2006
On July 26, 2006 Elgin Police Chief Lisa Womack presented her recommendation to the city council: Do nothing beyond what is already being done. She said they had a good working relationship with ICE and saw no need to do more.
The council members did not engage her in discussion, but simply accepted the report.
I continued to speak at council meetings for several weeks in a row.
(Note: In June of 2006 Elgin could have applied for a 287g partnership. The waiting list was short and they were processing applications around the country. The waiting list later grew to hundreds of police departments requesting 287g training.)
January 2008 (A YEAR AND A HALF LATER)
The city issues its “Four Initiatives” press release. Item #1 was applying for ICE ACCESS.
ICE ACCESS isn’t really a program per se. It is more like a menu of services. It is a list of the various programs available from the federal government that may be of use to a local law enforcement agency.
ICE ACCESS was nothing more than a request to sit down with ICE, look at the programs together and sign an agreement for one or more of those programs.
We waited. Nothing happened.
January 2009 (Another YEAR gone by)
I made a Freedom of Information request to the city on January 26, 2009 in an attempt to determine what efforts had been made on ICE ACCESS and what results had been achieved. On February 2, 2009 the city attorney’s office responded that they had made a handful of phone calls and requests for an ICE ACCESS meeting. But no meeting was ever held.
February 2010 (Yet another YEAR gone by)
Police Chief Lisa Womack continues to hold to her position that the city and the police department are doing all that they can.
On February 24, 2010 Womack is talking on a conference call with other police chiefs regarding immigration enforcement. Here’s what the Daily Herald reported:
"If there was a local solution to this issue, and this goes back to my Texas roots, the border states would have already figured it out," said Womack, who was police chief in Sugarland, Texas, before coming to Elgin in 2005. "In my opinion, there is not a local solution."
…and "Immigration law and enforcement is a federal law enforcement matter ... We have no one voice on this issue and it has been polarizing at times for this community."
April 2010
Lisa Womack is released from her duties as Elgin Police Chief
Do you see any leadership or aggressive pursuit of federal help on the part of Mayor Ed Schock? From June 2006 to April of 2010, the only success story on immigration enforcement in Elgin is the 100% screening that AFLA called for.
And the screening is a disappointment because they never DID ANYTHING with the data. Here they had specific detail they could have used to put pressure on Springfield and Washington, and all they did was sit on it.
When Jeff Swoboda takes over as chief of police things begin to happen. Here’s a couple of articles on the subject.
April 29, 2010, on the heels of an ICE sweep:
Elgin Police Chief Jeff Swoboda said the sweep was a good example of how his department is working with ICE.
"The Elgin Police Department will work with any federal agency that will help us in ridding the city of gang members and reducing crime," he said.
(Daily Herald)
On October 26, 2010 the Daily Herald ran this story:
Elgin has a new means to root out gang members, but the city's police chief warns it's not a cure-all by any means.
The department has assigned a detective to be a member of the Public Safety/Gang Unit task force the operates under the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement office, or ICE.
“We're the first local agency to have an officer in the unit. It's another tool in our toolbox,” said Police Chief Jeff Swoboda. “
Their No. 1 charge is going after gang members.”
Swoboda also said the department also has an officer that works with ICE's Document and Benefit Fraud Task Force, which investigates stolen social security numbers and fake cards.
Remember when I went to the city council in June of 2006 asking for more involvement in the fraudulent ID problem? Well, we finally get something FOUR YEARS LATER!
And then on January 24, 2011 the Herald reported:
A two-day initiative dubbed “Operation Clean Sweep” allowed Elgin police officers to make 87 warrant arrests in cooperation with almost 20 federal, state, county and local agencies. The effort was one of the largest the city has ever initiated and one the Elgin Police Department is calling a tremendous success.
About 250 law enforcement personnel worked Friday and about 150 worked Saturday in a targeted sweep to reconcile outstanding warrants. Out of the 4,200 total warrants, Elgin chose to go after 225 people, apprehending about 40 percent of them.
In conclusion, it appears to me that after two years of fighting us on immigration enforcement, Ed Schock should not step out in front of Chief Swoboda’s parade and call it his own leadership. That’s just not right.
Pass the Dramamine
So, we're going to try to set the record straight.
When questioned about the lack of success in the downtown area renovation projects, Mayor Schock claimed that the public money spent there WAS productive. "Property values are up," he said.
And I wondered how he could say that. Restaurants have closed, condos are empty, office space is vacant...even the cowboy hat store/Mexican bus depot has closed.
Then I figured out where he's getting his numbers. It dawned on me that he was reading the tax bills.
He should know better than to do that. We showed the Kimball Street row house listed at $120,000, down from $400,000 per unit during the initial offering. Most of those units were never sold. But if you looked at the tax bills, you'd think things were just fine.
Here's an example of what I mean. 692 Summit Street.
Here's a chart of the taxes paid on the home:Everything looks prosperous and successful, right?
And here's what the tax man says the house is worth (Assessed Value x 3):Wow! This home is worth 33% more than it was six years ago, according to the tax rolls.
But the REALITY is that the home is worth far less. And here's a chart showing the estimated market value of the home:
But it gets WORSE. Here's the ACTUAL home value according to the real estate transactions and past offering prices:
The REALITY is that the home won't even sell for $59,900 and yet the property value on the book at Kane County shows the home worth $182,541.
So, here's the charitable view of what he told us about downtown Elgin: Ed Schock is living in a bureaucrat's world of tax assessment, oblivious to the reality of vacancies and distressed properties.
And here's a less charitable view of what he said: He's spinning the truth at the forums.
More to come on other topics he told us about.