Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Who we aren't voting for...

...and why
Laesching out
AFLA is a little timid about wading into the territory of endorsing candidates, but we have no trouble giving out this non-endorsement.

John Laesch is running for US Congress 14th District to replace Dennis Hastert. He’s been endorsed by State Senator Mike Noland and our old friend Laurel Bault. He will not be endorsed by AFLA.

Here’s what he said in a press conference in front of the World Relief Immigration and Citizenship Services office in Aurora: “We need to reject the idea that any human being is illegal. We may have different skin colors and different cultures and backgrounds, but we all belong to the human race.”

And when another candidate talks about the need to crack down on illegal aliens, Laesch says:
“These ads are designed to make people afraid by blaming immigrants and keeping people distracted from the real issues like stagnating wages, unfair trade agreements, out of control health care costs and the war in Iraq.”

His website has this page on immigration. It sounds far different from his “No human being is illegal” press conference in Aurora on November 21st.

Like Bault and Councilman John Steffen, he’s trying to lump the illegals in with the legals while we are trying to get our government to identify and deal with the illegals so we can embrace immigrants without having to worry about the 30% who ignored our laws and simply decided to help themselves to our social services and local jobs.

Based on his free trade ideas, perhaps Laesch would be happier working for Amnesty International or maybe in a small office at the United Nations. We don’t see him helping us much when it comes to our problem with illegal aliens since there is no such thing to Laesch.

And for you union members out there, he’s picking up endorsements from labor. You need to send a nasty note with your dues explaining to the BO that illegals hurt the trades. They have trouble with that concept.


  1. On the subject of "who we aren't voting for" I hope that the citizens of Elgin remember that we just had a city council election and Sir John Steffen was "elected" to serve the citizens of Elgin. So far Sir Steffen has only shown an interest in protecting and representing the illegal hispanic population. The other new electee Sir Mike Powers along with the rest of the city council and Mayor shows a strong deternimation to keep the illegal flood gates open until all of the legal citizens drown under the weight of the invasion.

    It is painfully clear that the officials of the city of Elgin have no intent or interest in doing any thing to thwart the growth of the illegal population Proven by their refusal to adopt the 287g program to assist in identifying crimminals.

    So...It is time for the citizens to band together and dismantle the current city council and elect a mayor and council staff who will embrace and encourage input from the citizens. Many of the city officials have proven themselves to be elitis and anti-legal citizens. The first example is that of "Sir John Walters" who wanted to kick the "recognized persons" time slot on the council agenda to the end of the agenda to accomodate lawyers and developers so they would not have to be bored with our trivial comments. "Sir walters" you have earned your dismissal from the city council.

    The only way for the citizens to take control of our city is to vote for those candidates who have the same values and morals that you believe in, otherwise we will continue with more of the same.
    You can't use the same formulas and expect a different result. It is our responsibility to educate our selves about candidates before we vote for them. John Laesch is not worthy of any legal citizens vote. Mike Noland is a one time senator and Laurel Bault what can I say the two of them make nice book ends.

  2. Too bad the election isn't until 2009. Ugh! Any interested candidates better start planning. And don't forget to attend city council and check out the agendas on-line.

  3. Every city councilman is highly vunerable in the future elections just on this issue alone. Trust me, there will be at least one viable candidate in 2009 to go against Walters, Gilliam and Figueroa. A candidate who has sound, rational ideas on solving this and other Elgin problems.

    This person has been waiting in the weeds to run and it looks like the time is now. This candidate will not make illegal immigration his only issue but it will be his FIRST issue. He has thoughtful plans and ideas on this topic that, when submitted to council members for consideration, will rely on citizen input to all councilman demanding they adopt the plans. Having other candidates with similar values will help all.

    Please stay tuned because if he decides to run he is likely to announce late Summer/Early Fall.
