Monday, November 26, 2007

We hit a nerve with this one!!

Here's a comment we received at AFLA received this comment on 11/25/07 through the website. As a point of information, her name is Hispanic with two Hispanic surnames hyphenated.

Here’s her letter in its entirety (complete with CAPS and misspellings):
“Based on these comments that you wrote on your website, I would like to know where your family came from-or are you NATIVE AMERICANS.
These comments are ludacrist-and all I can say is you are a bunch of RACIST pigs. For your FYI- When an illegal alien uses a fake SSN to WORK, they are paying taxes and not getting one penny back from those taxes that were taken out of the checks. This comment is insane, when they have children those children are automatically citizens. By being born here they are entitled to all the benefits of our own children. what have happened if they would have not let your ancestors come into America, you too would not have been US citizen. I am very proud to say, that I came from 2 hard working parents, that came into this great country as ILLEGAL ALIENS and became legal as soon as they were able to do it. As an illegal alien my mother worked at 2 great institions of education in this city, in the houskeeping department of both ELGIN COMMUNITY COLLEGE and JUDSON COLLEGE, she became legal in 1986 and then was employed at U-46 as a secretary until she retired in 2005 due to illness, otherwise she would still be working. As my parents said, they came to this country to work and not ask for anything. WE NEVER received UNEMPLOYMENT or PUBLIC AID. Most WHITE or AFRICAN AMERICANS or HISPANIC AMERICAS (that have been here for over 3 generations) will not work at McDonald's or at the drycleaners. If illegal hispanics would not go into work one day, lets see how this great nation would function... Who would serve you WHITE racists your breakfast at the local diner, who would cut your lawn and shovel your snow or work construction in the hot sun or in the cold weather? NOT a WHITE or BLACK AMERICAN that is for sure, they would rather go sit their lazy butt at the unemployment line or public aid office and beg for money, rather than go do a menial job. So, I propose a day without hispanics- lets do it !!!! Lets see how this country functions, if every hispanic person stays home legal or illegal. Lets see how the economy does... Reading the garbage that you write makes me so angry and sick to my stomach, that all I want to do is go out and be a better person and make sure that my 2nd generation children who are AMERICAN make something out of their lives, go to college and get EDUCATED, that is the only way to fight ignorant people and thinking. and to keep our language alive. I am sorry if your family all decided to wipe away your language and your customs, but I will not- I will keep what my parents taught me about my MEXICAN heritage alive and incorporate with my AMERICAN life. My son is 19 years old and is a freshmen in college and is studying to become a lawyer (either corporate law or immigration law). Like he says, he wants to be an immigration lawyer to help in this fight to help people wheather they are Europeans, Asians or Hispanics achieve the dream of being able to be in this country in peace and make this country a STRONG COUNTRY, without RACISM and bring back the morals that our country was based on. Just remember this GOD loves all people whether they are ILLEGAL or Legal, you all are not being good Christians. Well, maybe you are not and that is why you do not care. Jesus always helped the less fortuante.
As a first generation U.S AMERICAN, and I say this because MEXICANS are also AMERICANS, because Mexico is located in the continent of NORTH AMERICA- because they are ESTADOS UNIDOS MEXICANOS de Norte America, which transltes to UNITED MEXICAN STATES of North America).
I will always lend a hand to help out anyone in need whether they are LEGAL or ILLEGAL - this is what my priest has said in our church in Elgin and he is an White American- he has said that we are here to help our fellow brothers and sisters whatever there status is as that is what GOD would want and that is who will be judging me when the day comes...
God Bless you and heal your racist heart and mind. It is sad to think that this is what you are teaching your children, I am teaching my children to LOVE everyone ... Respectfully submitted a pro-human. “ and she typed her name.


  1. Talk about a racist. She's slamming blacks and whites as too lazy to work!

  2. While that comment was beyond stupid, you are not winning any PR brownie points for your group by clearly showing your bigotry against say that 8,000 of the more than 30,000 of the Hispanics living in Elgin (where did you get those statistics?) are illegal, and yet you list the services they all use as a whole to make your point. What's worse is that you use "white vs. hispanic" statistics to try to make your case. And what's even worse is you outlight lie when you mention that you are working to "reduce the 30 percent illegal alien population" in Elgin. Every single Hispanic in Elgin would have to be illegal in order for your statistic to be true. As somebody who knows plenty of legal Hispanics in Elgin (and don't forget the thousands of U.S. citizens of Puerto Rican descent who live there) I know simply that is not the case. Lying and thinly-veiled bigotry against Hispanics? Doesn't sound like a very noble cause to me.

  3. Let me explain the 8,000. According to the US Census Factfinder (on the web) Elgin has a foreign-born population of 28,700 in 2006. Pew Hispanic Center says that 30% of the foreign born are illegal aliens. Do the math. It is 8,610.
    Pew Hispanic Center also says that the illegal alien population is composed of 78% Hispanics.
    Have you seen many Chinese running around town.
    Sure, there are illegals from all over the world and some of them are in Elgin. We oppose the presence of all of them.
    But let's get real here. The bulk of the problem is Hispanic and we are no longer going to allow that subset to hide behind law abiding Hispanics.
    And 30% is too big a number to ignore.
    Doug Heaton

  4. annomymous, The thousands of legal Hispanic children are called anchor babies, because thier parents are illegal. You think it's the normal growth when in less than 30 years you have 45,000 Hispanic living in Elgin. You think it's normal to have 5,372 Hispanic children in kindergarten to 6 grade and only
    2,130 white and white's have lived since 1870 or 137 years. Go to the website below. you'll see who's lieing

  5. then why dont we all break the law, and it can become total caos even sooner?

  6. i love it when elgin says say 40%hispanic. yes if you take all ages. if you take say only under the age of say 40 it may be more like 80-90%. have you driven by a school lately? tell me you can find 6 out of 10 caucasions. that tells definatively what the future will look like. perhaps we should all move now to a more diverse area..

  7. want a cool theme song for afla? john fogertys new album revival. the second cut is called gunslinger. he is formerly the founder of credence clearwater revival. it is a must hear tune. someone should latch on to this fast.

  8. Her quote: "When an illegal alien uses a fake SSN to WORK, they are paying taxes and not getting one penny back from those taxes that were taken out of the checks."

    Is she suggesting she's paying hundreds of dollars for a fake SS card just to be nice? NO! She needs one to get that job.

    REALITY: Even though illegals hang their hat on that quote the truth is when they fill out their W-2's at their job they claim the maximum of deductions they can get away with so that a VERY minimal amount of taxes is even withheld! $15/hour with 9 deductions on a W-2 equals a net of about $13.75/hour. Since they don't file on April 15, what's the difference?? It's cheap insurance and it gives them that misconception to spout off.

    The minute 287G is set in for Elgin, home values and school test scores will go up. Teachers will seek out U-46 to teach in. DUI arrests will drop as they did in Charlotte, NC. Gang violence will decrease. The spinning rim/tire shops, La Movida fight club, the Elgin Mall and Spring Hill's Old Country Buffet will suffer. A small price to pay, I promise you.

  9. I have had it with the "jobs Americans won't do" rhetoric. Americans will do almost any job to put food on the table and provide for their families. Here's a short list of jobs I have personally done in my life:

    *Fast food (several different places)
    *Gas station
    *Warehouse, third shift
    *Stockroom in a liquor store (part time, while doing two other part time jobs)
    *Sorting razor-sharp scrap metal in a junkyard
    *Pushing a broom third shift
    *Construction (both road and residential)
    *House painting
    *Mowing yards and shoveling snow (oh, wait, can I call that "Landscaping" instead?)

    There were two other jobs that I tried to get but didn't get them. Once I applied to work at Sears and because my last name (I'm adopted) sounds Spanish (but it's actually Scottish) I got an interview. When a red-headed Caucasian walked in, the interviewer said he was sorry, but I couldn't continue the interview because, get this, he "had to hire a minority for this job."

    The other job was about 3 years ago. I applied to work at a UPS distribution center in Palatine. I was asked if I spoke Spanish. When I said no, they said sorry, but I couldn't have the job because I wouldn't understand the instructions of the supervisor. And while I was there, I witnessed two Hispanic men passing a green card from one to the other to use for their application/interview. After the first man had used it, he walked out to the waiting room and gave it to the other guy to use.

    My son tried many different restaurants and minimum-wage businesses to get a job, but was never hired because all of those jobs that used to be filled by OUR teenagers are now staffed by adult illegals who are supporting their "wife" (different last name, even though they are supposed to be devout Catholics) and 5 children.

  10. Once an illegal immigrant uses a illegal social security number they are breaking a federal law and should be imprisoned. What about the victim. It shows the entire illegal mentality. What about the people trying to come over legally and do things right. I feel the illegals should have no rights at all. If they are unhappy with it they should go back and come here legally. I believe the polictical leaders are in for a big surprise next election. We need a new mayor in Elgin who will represent the legal taxpayers and make a distinction between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants.

  11. i dont see anything in all this that doesnt make perfect sense. what is it with politicians that common sense is totally absent.

  12. Legal American citizens don't have to make brownie points to state the facts regarding the invasion of illegal Mexican aliens or any one else who sneaks into our country under the cover of darkness steal our identy suck the life out of every public service available clog every school,hospital emergency room,tie up four shifts of police,fire and paramedics every day with silly non-sence calls. wreck more cars than anyone else in this town,with your drunk no driving no license no insurance ficticious names, and you have the nerve to comment on the efforts of this group to take back our city You must have forgotten this is the USA not Mexico. We are a land of laws of which the illegals start breaking from the moment they crawl under or over the fence to get here. I know that you think that your illegal babies are u.s. citizens well perhaps you should read the 14th amendment and you will know that if the child comes from an illegal mother the child is also illegal. While you are trying to correct legal American citizens you should try to find your way back to Mexico and fill the streets there and make demands on the government where you have the right to do so. You don't have that right here. Yes the citizens of Elgin and every other city in the U.S are tired of putting up with criminals who don't want to assimilate instead they want to take over but I can assure you that that will soon come to an end. You can"t continue to hide behind the smoke screen of the civil rights era of which you are no comparison. the blacks who were brought here involuntarily fought for equality and justice they were not criminals fighting for something that they did not deserve. As far as the puerto Ricans are concerned they are legal. Mexico is NOT a part of the U.S. as you would have it to be.which requires the entrance of anyone from Mexico to be granted an invitation of which none of the illegals received. There is no bigotry or prejudice against legal immigrants they are welcome. I am sick and tired of the lame excuses pro illegal big mouths keep screaming in hopes of convincing legal citizens that we should roll out the welcome mat and accept their b--- s--- to justify why predominately Mexicans are coming here illegally. that is not to say that they are the only illegals but they are the only ones who make demands try to force themselves into our communities refuse to speak our language produce thousands of babies and charging every aspect of sustaining life to the tax payers from medical care (while using the hospital emergency room as a doctors office) schools costing the communities millions of dollars. illegals take more from the table than they bring so tell me why we would want the ones that are here to stay and certainly we do not want any more to come. We need to send every illegal back home lock the doors to the U.S. and start from scratch bringing only those foreigners that we invite keeping all others out!!! That includes the Anchor babies. I know you don't think it can be done just wait until the employers are fined for hiring landlords for housing all social services denied they will self deport. Association for Legal Americans Keep the heat on and keep up the good work.

  13. Enough to the writer with two Hispanic surnames hypenated. I am happy that you think of us as Racist Pigs if I were you I wouldn't want to live with racist pigs nor would I tell any one that when an illegal uses a fake Social Security number to work (a number that belongs to someone else) you justify the theft of some one else number as acceptable because the end justifies the means. That is criminal. The fact that two cents is taken out of your check only tells me that you listed a dozen dependents and is really paying nothing towartd taxes. Who ever taught you the ropes to screw the U.S. citizens should have taught you how to cover your tracks better. Regarding the anchor baby delusion you have just try and enbrace reality for just a moment. If the mother is illegal then her off springs (a part of her) are just as illegal as she is.-da! I guess it's hereditary to come here illegally since your parents started the vicious cycle and taught the children how to break the law. Do you think that justifies becoming a criminal because someone else did it. I don't think so. As soon as you seperate legal from illegal then we can talk about how people came to this great country. Since the first invasion of illegals began this country has lost it's greatness it's just like any other third world country. The more we lose our cultures and values the more we loose our greatness thanks to people like yourself who can't see the errors of your ways. Since you sound like an illegal alien with no rights and no home at the moment you really can't speak about what any legal citizen did or did not do because any benefits they received were benefits they were entitled to based on their legal status and that just is not an issue to be raise by sone one without a legal voice. The reasoning that you stated about who would cook the food cut the grass wash the dishes care for the kids without Hispanics is a joke who do you think did it before you came those who have children, grass to cut, dishes to wash, food to cook would do it themselves or pay someone other than a illegal. It would be great if all Hispanics decided not to go to work in the U.S ever again the american citizens would be happy they could reclaim their jobs that have been taken by cut throat illegals. By the way they don't work harder or do jobs Americans won't do they only hop-singh when the boss is around otherwise they are theft of services professional workers sleeping on the job, pretending to work, switching identies. Illegals want every thing for free. They are even too lazy to learn English! If you are sick of hearing the truth then you should pack your family and head back to mexico!!!

  14. if you think this is a minority speaking. guess again. we talk about illegal immigrants in every corner of the country.silently we are organizing and planning. if the government wont start saving this country WE THE PEOPLE WILL

  15. I don't care who is speaking minority or not facts are facts no matter who's mouth they come from. I am sick of this invasion of illegal aliens. anyone who wants to take care of 20 million poeople have at it but not in my city. when this city looks like Mexico you will sing a different tune.
