Friday, May 6, 2011

Ironic, isn't it.

In the wake of the death of bin Laden, on May 2nd Homeland Security issues a press release telling us that they are cooperating with state and local law enforcement agencies to maintain "a heightened state of vigilance."
Then, on May 4th Governor Quinn sends them a letter telling them that the Illinois State Police will not cooperate with them on the Secure Communities program.


  1. Actually as much as I hate to agree with Quinn, I'm really not buying all thigh heightened state of vigilance business.

    As you know, our borders are extremely porous, and audits of airport security show that people can get guns past about half the time in many instances. If terrorism were a really significant threat, we'd see a lot more terror attacks.

    The reality is that you have about the same chance of getting struck by lightning as killed by a terrorist.

    All of this is just to keep us scared and get us to worship the state, which I know in general is not something that you're prone to appreciate.


  2. TSA is all about security theater, making us feel warm and fuzzy about how safe flying is.
    Meanwhile, the terrorists are making other plans.
    Ft Hood...Ft Dix...Times Square...

    But, speaking of airport security, it wasn't Homeland Security that detected problems. The chemical-mix-on-board plot was discovered by British authorities and the crotch bomber was stopped by flight attendants and passengers.

    The point of my post is that Quinn is playing fast and loose with DHS on one hand and tolerating their nonsense on the other.
