Thursday, May 5, 2011

Insecure Communities

The politicians in Springfield have always had a soft spot for illegal aliens.

For example,

· Illinois is one of only ten states that give in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens.

· Illinois banned the use of E-Verify. It took a lawsuit by the Feds to rescind that ban.

· Illinois is the ONLY state in the nation that forbids municipalities from using E-Verify with their contractors, although the Feds REQUIRE E-Verify of all businesses doing business with Washington.

· Illinois has spent billions of dollars providing free health care to illegal aliens under the AllKids program.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we are now sending official signals to Washington that they are deporting TOO MANY illegal aliens from Illinois.

Yesterday, May 4th, Governor Quinn sent a letter to ICE telling them that Illinois will no longer participate in the Secure Communities program. Why? Because it deports too many people who have not been convicted of a violent crime.

Are they illegal aliens? Yes. Have they been correctly identified? Yes. Were they brought to a county jail as a suspect in a crime. Yes. Is there evidence of racial profiling? No.

But since he feels they are law-abiding illegal aliens, he doesn’t want them deported.

Now, a little background on Secure Communities. It was introduced by Homeland Security late in the Bush administration (Spring of 2008) and was to be rolled out in stages. First, they would set up shop in the county jails in areas known to have a high concentration of illegal aliens.

They tap into the fingerprint scanners at these county jails and check the records of known illegal aliens in real-time. They then put an immigration hold on that person.

Once the county is done with the perp, ICE is contacted. Now, was he convicted? Sometimes not. Depending on the States Attorney or the judge or some plea bargain or the capacity of the jail that day, maybe he wasn’t convicted.

And often ICE has no room at the inn, so he is released. At the end of the day, Secure Communities as it is currently funded cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered to be picking up innocent illegal aliens off the streets and deporting them.

But Quinn has nixed the program. Note also that Springfield is working hard to get counties to opt out of Secure Communities in a misnamed bill called “Smart Enforcement Act.”

It should come as no surprise that Kane County Sheriff Pat Perez is a staunch supporter of the bill.

As for our Rep, Keith Farnham, I asked him for information on the bill on March 31, April 1 and April 15. I have not heard back from him. Perhaps YOU should send him an e-mail as well. He's at

You’ll also be pleased to know that in honor of Cinco de Mayo Springfield has enhanced the illegal alien in-state tuition program to include participation in scholarships and the college savings program.

Welcome to Illinois, a Sanctuary State. (Also broke, overtaxed and overextended.)

Links to articles:

About Quinn’s letter to ICE,0,6075609.story

About the in-state tuition changes

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