And we welcome back Bob Gilliam. As many of you know, Messrs. Gilliam and Kaptain were the two members of the city council willing to hear us out from the beginning. We are grateful for their understanding of our position.
And we welcome Mike Warren as well. He is a man of many talents.
I would like to thank Shane Nowak,in particular and all the other candidates. Your interest in running the Combine out of ELGIN,helped us put two honest reform candidates in office. Hopefully they will not turn combine when the graft and freebies start coming.As important- two pro-illegals councilmen were unseated. Should we follow up on the USING PUBLIC E-MAIL like FIGAMAGOO did. That maybe illegal or rule of protocol violation. Let's prosecute any and all violations!! THANKS AFLA--- yes we can---jail the crooks!!!!!