Saturday, February 28, 2009

A new idea

We’ve been trying to get Immigration and Customs Enforcement to do their job in Elgin, that is: enforce the immigration laws now on the books and remove those who are here illegally.

But ICE has a new name up in Lake County:
Intelligence Commitment Execution

Intelligence- Back on August 6th Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran did an audit of the inmates in the jail and found out:
~21.5% of them were in the United States ILLEGALLY
~50% of the murder suspects in custody were illegal aliens
~$4 MILLION of the jail budget goes to housing illegal aliens
~His 287(g) certification was being delayed TWO YEARS

Commitment- Curran called a press conference on September 16th and wanted some answers. All sorts of politicians from the county and the state stood with the Sheriff in calling for help.

Execution- Lo and behold he got results. 260 inmates since September 1 have been slated for deportation once they do their time here in Illinois.

Compare that to the Kane County Jail where Sheriff Perez is “insulted” if you even ask about Immigration enforcement.

Or the city fathers in Elgin who are waiting patiently for ICE to answer their phone calls. It’s been 15 months already. Boy, are they ever patient.

So far Elgin has the “Intelligence” part. We know who has passed through our lock up. We know their immigration status and their crimes.

But we’re stuck on demanding a Commitment, which means we’ll never get the Execution part.

You see, ICE is very busy and lacks the resources to service our community properly. (Yeah, right! Because they are up in Lake County hauling them out of the country.)

The Elgin mantra is: We are at the mercy of the federal government.

Is everyone OK with that? I know two guys running for council who are NOT OK WITH THAT AND WILL PUSH BACK.

John Prigge and Mike Robins. Are any others willing to step forward and commit to stronger enforcement?

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