Charlene Sligting mentioned the "broken windows theory" at the city council candidate forum last night. The idea is that if you allow illegal activity in the neighborhood more of the same will follow.
This is a photo taken on January 16, 2009 over on Dundee Avenue. Note the graffiti.

And this is a photo of the same wall taken today, February 6th. If you look closely more graffiti has been added. Perhaps rival gangs have crossed out the marks of people they don't like. Some have added their own.

Now, let's put it all in perspective. This shot has all the elements. The wall of graffiti, the SCHOOL ZONE speed limit sign, and the Boys and Girls Club sign. No, I didn't Photoshop anything here. This is what the kids see every day.
Blame the city for not keeping up? Maybe, but I've been in close contact with EPD and they are hampered by bad weather. It obviously doesn't slow down the gang bangers.
This is symbolic of what we will tolerate before local elected leaders push back hard at every pulpit they can. Noland, Farnham, Foster, Durbin...
Whatever approach we've taken is not effective. What are the candidates going to do about it?
The incumbents have a leg upon on the challengers because they "know" what they cannot do. They "know" the restrictions. They "know" what the gang report says. Of all people, those sitting on the council now ought to have something to say about it.
We all ought to listen carefully to the answers.
I agree that we need to pay attention to minor violations before they blossom into something more serious. One can make this argument without being a xenophobe- as your organization clearly promotes. Linking this issue with the immigration issue doesn't hold up. I would venture to guess that a majority of those who graffiti are legal citizens. And if not, where is the proof that they aren't? This is a socio-economic and education issue not an immigration issue. With many of AFLA's issues- one can make the argument that illegal immigration is less the issue than the fact that Elgin has a large low income population. Criticizing those folks only excacerbates the problem- we need to find a way to help our fellow citizens move up the socio-economic ladder or else we'll be stuck with these problems forever.
ReplyDeleteWell, there's plenty of baggage in that comment.
ReplyDeleteWould you allow the idea that anchor babies contribute to crime in Elgin? How significantly? No one knows because it is a PC taboo to even ask.
Study the gang report from June of 2008 with an eye toward immigration status.
Study the census maps in the high crime areas for the foreign-born or language other than English spoken at home. (Google US Census FactFinder and run your own data.)
Poverty you say? Study the immigration data on the source of our immigrants.
Study the poverty levels of the illegal aliens in the Pew Hxxxxxxx Center reports of 2005 and 2006.
What about impact on our schools. Find out how many kids are registered without social security numbers.