Friday, February 29, 2008

The Me-trick-you-HA card

An AFLA supporter sent us this snapshot of an Elgin car dealership. The thing that caught my eye was the fact that they are touting the “Matricula Consular” card to attract business.

The Matricula card is issued by the Mexican government. They go around the country (sometimes using our public schools as gathering places) and hand these cards out to their citizens.

Now, the interesting thing is that if you have a valid passport with an unexpired visa you do not need a Matricula card. If you have a green card issued by the United States, you do not need a Matricula card.

The only people who need Matricula cards are illegal aliens. Read this congressional testimony by the FBI to understand the problems with the Matricula Consular cards:

So, why is a car dealer soliciting business this way? Maybe he doesn’t know enough about the Matricula Consular card. Maybe he knows and doesn’t care, because a buck is a buck, even if it comes out of the wallet of an illegal alien.

And why on earth would anyone extend credit to someone who doesn't have lawful presence in the United States? I suppose if you jack up the interest rate to cover your losses you'd be OK, but at some point you hit a limit.

And I suppose if you've got some loans out and you are selling cars to these people, you'd become an advocate for amnesty rather than enforcement. You can't have the government deporting your debtors! It's crazy.

I’ll send a copy of this to the dealership and let you know if I get a response.

As of Tuesday, the banner is gone. I drove by tonight. There could be lots of reasons. The dealership took it down because of complaints from customers. Or the city made them take it down until they have a permit for it. Or it was taken down because of high winds. Or they only fly it during promotions.

Whatever the is gone.


  1. What this and other signs like this shows is that there is a substantial population of illegal aliens living in Elgin. Elginites ALREADY know this but to out-of-towners it tells them there is significant enough illegal activity going on in Elgin to warrant a LARGE sign to be erected. These are the same out-of-towners that tell their family, friends and neighbors that Elgin is all illegals. From there the word spreads. From there houses and businesses in other towns look a whole lot better. Welcome to Elgin.

  2. I e-mailed McGrath about it. No answer. Dave called over to McGrath and they defended the practice. Now the city is looking into the banner itself. Sadly, they don't care about the Matricula part, but the banner might be illegal.
    The city did take a stand against the Matricula card a few years back, so they know more than you think.

  3. The sign is not the issue. What's written on the sign is. Otherwise the sign is fine and if the city cites them that would be wrong IF it's on their property which I believe it is. If the city wants to take that sign down they better go to the Gail Borden library regularly and make sure their banners are ok, also.

  4. We all know cities have their rules. We can't really do what we want with our property. In fact, if they want our property, they can take it and turn it over to a private business. Which they HAVE done with the coin shop downtown.
    The courts tested that when they tore down a sandwich shop to build the World Trade Center. We have no secure property rights. As for the banner, the city can grant a permit so they can keep the banner. But you have to ask the great OZ at city hall.

  5. Me-trick-you-HA. Brilliant.

  6. Maybe we could get the dealership to give away t-shirts that say - "Deport all illegals - YES WE CAN!!" That way the Obama supporters could chime right in...

  7. For this dealership, I'll never buy a car from them. Not even an air filter. Car dealers aren't expected to have much dignity but they ARE expected to not encourage illegal activity like all good citizens. I hope they got alot of illegals' business from that sign because they won't get mine. After all the illegals are moved out to Carpentersville soon, who will buy their cars then? Elgin citizens? No way. Not after this sign.

  8. The trouble is...I would imagine that ALL the Elgin dealerships honor the Matricula card. McGrath had a banner made to advertise it but they all do it. Right across the street from McGrath is a used car dealer who flies alternating Mexican and US flags from his building.

  9. The worksite violations unit of ICE is activily searching for criminal employers in Elgin. Do your duty,HELP REPORT ILLEGAL ELGIN EMPLOYERS,866-DHS-2-ICE. We can all start by calling in the nut company off Randall,that has been proven to house illegals. report crooked cops to 312-353-5300,the feds are waiting for your call.Thanks Doug,Dave,Margaret,and everyone else fighting to end criminal actions.Truckertom
