Photo of SEIU involvement in a protest rally
The man selected by President Bush to run Homeland Security (including Immigration and Customs Enforcement) is Michael Chertoff. He did an interview with ABC back in October and explained what happens whenever the government starts to enforce immigration laws. Here’s what he said:
“I think what the public may come to see is that for many years the way we dealt with the illegal immigration issue was, we paid political lip service to toughness, but then a variety of groups - whether it be business, or labor, or advocacy groups - essentially frustrated the actual enforcement of the law.” Michael Chertoff on ABC News 10/4/2007
He talks specifically about three groups that howl whenever they enforce the law; Business, labor, and advocacy groups.
So here’s the dirt on SOAP, the local group claiming to be so concerned about prejudice in Elgin. SOAP Co-chairman Arnoldo Fabela actually qualifies to wear two of those hats Chertoff complained about. He is a paid union organizer for SEIU Local #1 (Service Employees International Union). He also led the march in Elgin on May 1, 2006 when illegal aliens protested for their “rights”. He also was one of the 42-mile march leaders on Labor Day. When Fabela marched from Chinatown to Hastert’s office, Fabela told reporters, “This is definitely about winning a path to citizenship for millions of people.”
Even La Raza Chicago praised Arnoldo for his efforts.
I think we can safely say that Fabela is pro-illegal alien. We are left to wonder if he is being paid overtime by the union to organize SOAP or if this busman’s holiday is a labor of love.
So, Mr. Chertoff, we have begun the process of cracking down on illegal aliens in Elgin, and the unions and advocacy groups have arrived to complain. Let’s hope our elected officials have the resolve to press forward. SEIU throws around lots of campaign cash, so the city council may need some encouragement from the voters about now.
I'll never figure out why unions are pro-illegal. The illegals just drive down wages and benefits.
ReplyDeleteI have a spouse that works for the city of Elgin and is a member of SEIU. As of Monday morning, he will quit the union and inform co-workers of the involment of Mr.Fabela as co-chairman of SOAP. It is obvious they don't care if members are illegal. It is again a money issue.
ReplyDeleteCurious to get your responses to the recent post on elginite.org:
American citizens have to be sick of these bigmouth pro-illegal talking heads. Believe me there is more for them to gain than the path to citizenship for some poor illegals aliens who come here and end up being slaves for the very people who claim to love them so much How many children have mr. Dalton or Mr. Kirkland fed today I will bet the answer is -0-These immigration lawyers and union leaders profit personally who do they think they are kidding. Since they know so much about how to make change happend why don't they gather up all of their illegal friends and take them back to Mexico and start marching as soon as they reach the border and don't stop marching until change takes place in that country. we all will be a lot happier.
ReplyDeleteIf one presumes the purpose of a union is to help and protect workers, then SEIU involvement with illegal aliens is puzzeling. However, if one realizes that the SEIU leadership is more interested in expanding its power by increasing it's ranks of dues paying member. For this, current legal members will suffer. If you don't think so, look at the meat packing industry. Despite the unions, wages have at best stagnated if not fallen due to the influx of illegal alien workers. That is not a debatable opinion, it's a fact.