Schock has some advice for Black teens: Skip your first job.
At the NPR Forum on October 2nd when an Elgin resident pleaded with him to free up some entry level jobs (now held by illegal aliens) for the African-American youth that need to get off the streets, Schock said:
“Economic advancement isn’t a function of whether or not you’re competing with another low wage earner. It’s a function of acquiring twentieth century skills and education. Those who are at the bottom of the economic rung, regardless of the race or ethnicity, are there because they do not have the requisite skills and the requisite education to advance to higher paying jobs."
“The modern day economy in the United States is increasingly dependent on one’s skills and education, and if one hasn’t got those skills and education they are admittedly going to be at a serious disadvantage. And it doesn’t matter whether immigrants or non-immigrants… So, yes, there are instances where new arrivals do compete with those at the bottom rung of the economic ladder. But the answer for all people at the bottom rung of the economic ladder is improved skills, improved education, better marketability... If you’re all alone at the bottom of the economic rung but you don’t have the skills for the jobs that are going to advance you economically, it doesn’t matter if there is competition or not, you’re not going to get the job.”
Schock went on the argue with an Economics Professor about jobs Americans won’t do. The professor explained to the Mayor that Americans would do those jobs if the illegal aliens weren’t flooding the market and driving down the wages for those jobs.
What Schock failed to realize is that there is no particular skill set for those entry level jobs. Black youth are more than capable of doing those jobs. As for education, Schock knows very well that Black high school students out-perform Hispanic high school students every day of the week. They have a lower drop-out rate, a higher graduation rate, and better performance on standardized tests.
His suggestion that these youth lack skills and education to compete with the illegal aliens working those jobs is an insult to African-Americans and their parents.
Doug Heaton
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
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Mayor schock made an ignorant comment about the worth and how he views blck youth in this community. As the mayor of this city he seldom reports factual information but at least he should be smart enough to know when to take a politically correct stance on issues that can come back and bite him but of course He projects himself as King Schock and obviously in his mind he is above reproach so he can say and do anything he chooses to the youth as well as the black community as a whole. When the black community stands up and hold the leaders of this ommunity accountable for their biased behavior and hateful treatment then and only then will the Schocks of Elgin realize that blacks are legal citizens. While Schock is courting the illegal aliens he should consider the fact that this city is paying a big price for his poor decision making regarding the illegal invasion of this city. The fact that he is promoting sanctuary invitations to illegals is a unforgiveable crime. But to under cut the youth of this city no matter what the race as long as they are legal citizens is a bigger crime. As for black youth the mayor projected his true feeling that if you read between the lines he is specifically focus on criminalization of black youths by denying them opportunities to get off the street. He cateres to the Hispanic community by giving our tax dollars to build the Elgin Rec. Center formerly God's Gym which is an alternative to the streets for them but where very few blacks are welcome so the streets is all they have for recreaton. This tells me that he has a hidden adgenda against helping legal citizens and enforcing the rule of law. I am amazed that he is so blind when it comes to enforcing the law against illegal aliens and those that harbor them but can see clearly that black youth are unworthy of a chance to advance economically by assisting and preparing them to accquire the skills and education necessary to compete among legal citizens without having the rug pulled from under them by giving those same jobs to unskilled illegals the jobs that our black youth did prior to this invasion. Less than 6% of the Elgin population are black folks. What is the mayor's obsession with slamming black youth? certainly all black youth are not running the streets nor are they creating havoc for this city. Of that 6% less than 3% are youth do the math sheer numbers would indicate that they can't possibly cause the amount of destruction to this city as the 42% illegal aliens are causing. So what drives him to speak so negatively of black youth just speaks to who he really is.