I am thrilled that the directors of the Association for legal Americans have taken a big step in providing a network for the legal citizens of Elgin to voice their opinions about what is really going on in our city. I am especially impressed that they are giving us an opportunity to speak to the city managers and council members on the issue of Illegal Immigration which is the #1 issue for the citizens who are bearing the financial cost of every aspect of daily life for individuals who are not our responsibility or legal residents. I wonder just what our leaders are thinking ! Within the next year this town will be completely consumed with illegal demanding blood sucking destructive aliens who are clever enough to trick the powerful minds of our leaders into thinking that it is polically correct to embrace all people at any cost. While ignoring the will of the people, As I see the weakness of our leaders and the hostile aggressive behavior of certain hispanics I wonder, will our leders ever figure out that their time is limited! We the citizens must speak up and do it now if we want to save our city! tomorrow will be too late. fourty plus thousand illegals living off of the fat of our land is too much to put into perspective. The time is now for all legal citizens to let your voices be heard and your faces brought out of the shadows.
This comment is for Mayor schock regarding the comments he made about black youth. Mayor schock this sorry pathetic attitude that you obviously feel toward not just black youth but all black individuals living in this city is simply a reflection of who you really are. Let me tell you what I really think! You failed as a principal in the school system and you are a failure as a leader for this city as a Mayor you are self serving and condesending to those people whom you feel are beneath you Perhaps if you took yur hand from under the table and stop catering to special interest groups your thinking would be much clearer. This is a community that has never embraced black folk since it's creation which is a sad commentary for a society that prides itself on diversity, acceptance. the only people reaping good and humanitarian deeds that you so carelessly share are those who are not entitled to it and of course yourself.. It is a clear example of who you are. You obviously don't want the enforcement of the rule of law except against black folks I believe what you really want is to cleanse this community of all blacks and poor whites and replace them with spanish speaking crimminals. What does that say about you? I pray that your other life renders you a better person that the one I see today. You offer nothing but hateful negative comments, attitude and smack downs to the black citizens of this community Just take a look at the unemployment rate. Blacks will work if given jobs. The ratio of black leaders and role models are non-existent for black youths and you have the nerve to speak about equality.look at who gets employment in this city including the school district. certainly few token blacks who have memorized the company line. are employed by the city to satisfy certain federal guidelines.. While this city feels as though it is on a mission to create criminal records for even the youngest black male (often unjustified,) this thinking appears to be more desireable to the leaders than offering job training,jobs and healthy clean recreation to fill their minds rather than destroying families just because you can. what is Power? it is only a figment of your imigination.when the citizens rise up and realize that we the people have the power not the elected officals what will you have when the citizens of this city begin to hold the elected officials accountable. and demand their voices be heard.
I believe the Association for Legal Americans focuses only on self-interest rather than the public good. Every human being deserves education, basic health services, and the right to seek employment. The ALA seeks to deny them to a significant portion of Elgin's inhabitants. Don't confuse morality with legality. It is moral to educate, to heal, and to work. It is immoral to be racist or selfish or place property values and borders above the needs of the common man.
Mr. Martin, perhaps you have been sleeping under a rock or maybe you have a visual disability what ever the case that causes your blindness let me help you see the light. It takes my tax dollars along with many others to provide an educatin to those individuals who have not paid one cent to bring the school system to where it is today. I am retired and would like not to pay taxes any more at least to those who should receive their education in their own country. Please give the children of this comminity a chance. The rate of enrollment has skyrocketed with non-english speaking children thus taking precious attention away from the english speaking children. Charity begins at home lets educate our own before we spread our resources too thin. If you are financially situated to carry the load alone I applaude you if not give it a rest!
Your argument is "us versus them". It is immoral to only educate English speaking children. You want to divide the city and only provide services to a certain segment of the population. I encourage you to more broadly define "us" as human beings.
Mr. Martin, I invite you to go to our website and view the gumball video in the "Classroom" section. Or just google Roy Beck gumball video. He explains why your open borders charity will not work. If we are to bless the third world in any way it will be in their lands, not here. We have tried looking the other way for the last 30 years. We have given and provided. But 30% illegals is simply too much. We need to reclaim our land, it's heritage, and language. Doug Heaton
I am thrilled that the directors of the Association for legal Americans have taken a big step in providing a network for the legal citizens of Elgin to voice their opinions about what is really going on in our city. I am especially impressed that they are giving us an opportunity to speak to the city managers and council members on the issue of Illegal Immigration which is the #1 issue for the citizens who are bearing the financial cost of every aspect of daily life for individuals who are not our responsibility or legal residents. I wonder just what our leaders are thinking ! Within the next year this town will be completely consumed with illegal demanding blood sucking destructive aliens who are clever enough to trick the powerful minds of our leaders into thinking that it is polically correct to embrace all people at any cost. While ignoring the will of the people, As I see the weakness of our leaders and the hostile aggressive behavior of certain hispanics I wonder, will our leders ever figure out that their time is limited! We the citizens must speak up and do it now if we want to save our city! tomorrow will be too late. fourty plus thousand illegals living off of the fat of our land is too much to put into perspective. The time is now for all legal citizens to let your voices be heard and your faces brought out of the shadows.
ReplyDeleteThis comment is for Mayor schock regarding the comments he made about black youth. Mayor schock this sorry pathetic attitude that you obviously feel toward not just black youth but all black individuals living in this city is simply a reflection of who you really are. Let me tell you what I really think! You failed as a principal in the school system and you are a failure as a leader for this city as a Mayor you are self serving and condesending to those people whom you feel are beneath you Perhaps if you took yur hand from under the table and stop catering to special interest groups your thinking would be much clearer. This is a community that has never embraced black folk since it's creation which is a sad commentary for a society that prides itself on diversity, acceptance. the only people reaping good and humanitarian deeds that you so carelessly share are those who are not entitled to it and of course yourself.. It is a clear example of who you are. You obviously don't want the enforcement of the rule of law except against black folks I believe what you really want is to cleanse this community of all blacks and poor whites and replace them with spanish speaking crimminals. What does that say about you? I pray that your other life renders you a better person that the one I see today. You offer nothing but hateful negative comments, attitude and smack downs to the black citizens of this community Just take a look at the unemployment rate. Blacks will work if given jobs. The ratio of black leaders and role models are non-existent for black youths and you have the nerve to speak about equality.look at who gets employment in this city including the school district. certainly few token blacks who have memorized the company line. are employed by the city to satisfy certain federal guidelines.. While this city feels as though it is on a mission to create criminal records for even the youngest black male (often unjustified,) this thinking appears to be more desireable to the leaders than offering job training,jobs and healthy clean recreation to fill their minds rather than destroying families just because you can. what is Power? it is only a figment of your imigination.when the citizens rise up and realize that we the people have the power not the elected officals what will you have when the citizens of this city begin to hold the elected officials accountable. and demand their voices be heard.
ReplyDeleteI believe the Association for Legal Americans focuses only on self-interest rather than the public good.
ReplyDeleteEvery human being deserves education, basic health services, and the right to seek employment. The ALA seeks to deny them to a significant portion of Elgin's inhabitants.
Don't confuse morality with legality. It is moral to educate, to heal, and to work. It is immoral to be racist or selfish or place property values and borders above the needs of the common man.
Mr. Martin, perhaps you have been sleeping under a rock or maybe you have a visual disability what ever the case that causes your blindness let me help you see the light. It takes my tax dollars along with many others to provide an educatin to those individuals who have not paid one cent to bring the school system to where it is today. I am retired and would like not to pay taxes any more at least to those who should receive their education in their own country. Please give the children of this comminity a chance. The rate of enrollment has skyrocketed with non-english speaking children thus taking precious attention away from the english speaking children. Charity begins at home lets educate our own before we spread our resources too thin. If you are financially situated to carry the load alone I applaude you if not give it a rest!
ReplyDeleteMr. Bewildered,
ReplyDeleteYour argument is "us versus them". It is immoral to only educate English speaking children. You want to divide the city and only provide services to a certain segment of the population. I encourage you to more broadly define "us" as human beings.
Mr. Martin,
ReplyDeleteI invite you to go to our website and view the gumball video in the "Classroom" section. Or just google Roy Beck gumball video.
He explains why your open borders charity will not work. If we are to bless the third world in any way it will be in their lands, not here.
We have tried looking the other way for the last 30 years. We have given and provided. But 30% illegals is simply too much.
We need to reclaim our land, it's heritage, and language.
Doug Heaton