Monday, April 4, 2011

The day has come... cast your vote.

Polls open at 6:00 am and close at 7:00 pm

Complaints about polling place violations?
Call the Kane County State's Attorney's Office
at (630) 208-5328.

In Cook County call
the Vote fraud hotline
(312) 603-0909.


  1. Looks like you racists didn't have such a good night. Now go crawl back under your rock.

  2. Oh I don't know about that.
    Ed Schock is gone.
    And about the race card, put it away and let's talk the issues.

  3. Kaptain admitted to me he thinks you're a bunch of bigots. You got suckered. Moeller, Powell and Steffen won, all people you told your fellow teabagger nuts to vote against. Looks like the next council won't be doing much pandering to you bigots. Maybe you should think about starting your idyllic Aryan homeland somewhere else.

  4. You can call us bigots and teabagger nuts and Aryans all you like, and downtown will still be empty, the Bandits will still play somewhere else, the condos in town will be vacant and illegal aliens will be flying into homes at the end of Douglas.
    Why? Because you'd rather call people names than address the issues.
    You've fostered an enclave that resists assimilation and economic growth. And all you can do is hurl insults at people who want to fix the problem.
    That's not very tolerant or progressive if you ask me.

  5. "They resist assimilation" LOL. Who are "they", the Borg from Star Trek? Every generation the same bigots use the same garbage about "assimilation" to attack the latest wave of immigrants. It happened to the Germans, the Jews, and the Italians, in the 20th century, and to the Chinese in the 19th century as well as others. It's racist code for sowing hatred. And the great thing about America is that in the long run it never works. Hispanics will "assimilate" just like all the other immigrants in the past. It's YOU who refuse to "assimilate" . YOU hate the American way. YOU stand in the way of economic progress.
    There are economic problems that are global in scale right now. Scapegoating immigrants and teachers won't solve those problems, and you know that. You're just using that to try and push your agenda of fear and racism. I've seen your comments in the DH. Insulting the way immigrants talk and the spelling of their names. Selectively picking crime stories. Fomenting your sick hatred of other cultures. You are on the wrong side of history. At least man up and admit your real intention is to stir up xenophobic hatred for your own sick amusement.

  6. I can't argue with that. You surely like what Ed Schock has done with the place.

  7. You can't argue with that because you know it's true. In a week or two you'll be blaming Kaptain for everything under the sun. That's all you've got. Fact is you and your cohorts are just a bunch of lower middle class sad sacks looking to scapegoat someone. You're secretly afraid that you and your kids can't compete on an equal field with immigrants that are more motivated to succeed so you need to find a justification for your frustrated feelings of privilege. You're caught up in a downward spiral of conspiracy theories and xenophobia fed to you by people using you for political and economic gain which you are too stupid or stubborn to see. As demographics change and the economy improves your racist message will fade into the background as it has so many times in the past.

  8. Don't you have a faculty strike to attend to?
