Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Back in Business

After a little R & R, AFLA is getting back to work.

Be sure to take a peek at the website here:

And send us your comments here:

There are some real stinkers on the ballot in November (Noland, Dalton, Perez) so we need to get ready for them. And the threat of amnesty for illegal aliens is poised ready to be rammed through congress.

Join the cause. Stay informed.


  1. A lot going on. Just not here!

  2. Nice rally in D.C. by the illegals yesterday demanding "fairness"!!!!! Fairness is PC code for amnesty.
    Fairness to US citizens would be deportation. They can protest down in Mexico all day long.
    15% unemployment and 20 millions illegals driving down the wage rates for everyone and they want fairness!!!!
    Fairness is deportation. Get them SOB's out of here!
