Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The fate of 287g

I am so confused about the status of the 287g program. Here's what Janet Napolitano told a senate judiciary committee on May 6th:

Oral testimony of Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on May 6, 2009 before the Senate Judiciary Committee:

“We are expanding our efforts to identify, arrest and deport criminal and fugitive aliens.
We are working on improving the 287g program so we continue to work effectively with proper guidance and oversight with our state and local partners.”

Written testimony submitted by Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano on May 6, 2009 before the Senate Judiciary Committee:
“State and Local Law Enforcement Under 287(g)

“DHS also has continued to expand its partnerships with state and local law enforcement under the 287(g) program, which gives specially trained officers authorization to perform immigration enforcement duties under the supervision of ICE agents and officers. ICE has 58 active Memoranda of Agreement (MOAs) with law enforcement agencies in 23 states. As of April 2009, ICE's 287(g) partners have encountered over 104,000 aliens who were screened for removability.

“This program continues to be an effective force multiplier for our efforts. For this reason, it is vitally important that the program has strong oversight and remains free of abuse. In the past few years, the 287(g) program has been the subject of much media attention and heightened scrutiny. To address many of the concerns, ICE is redrafting the MOA template to increase oversight and supervision as well as align the goals of state and local law enforcement participating in the program with ICE priorities and guidelines. In addition to the MOA, ICE has issued credentials to state and local 287(g) partners and is drafting a policy mandating refresher training for all active 287(g) officers. In these efforts, DHS is carefully reviewing the recommendations provided in the January 2009 report by the Government Accountability Office. Finally, we are committed to working with stakeholders to address concerns about racial and ethnic profiling and other abuses in this and other enforcement programs.”

So, why did the feds CANCEL the requests from Waukegan and Carpentersville? Is it still a viable program? Or not?

Based on funding I think the Obama administration is going to starve 287g to death.

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