Look at the public money spent to beautify it and command respect from the residents.
The architectural streetlamps, the patriotic banners, the planter boxes, the real brick pavers, the recreation center, the parking garage...

But just around the corner Elgin's rec center, called The Centre, has four broken windows . Unlike the library, they appear to be shot out.
And they are a pain to replace. They had one lane of Kimball blocked yesterday with a snorkel unit attempting to reach from the street to the broken windows. I guess they had trouble because the windows haven't been replaced and the snorkel is parked in the lot just west of The Centre.

Broken window #1. Near the Northeast corner by the running track. Note the rowhouses across the street.

Broken window #2, between the running track and the pool.

Broken window #3 at the daycare area.

Broken window #4 at the pool.

Security camera guarding the city vehicle parking lot.

But crime is way down according to authorities.
UPDATE: The windows at The Centre were replaced sometime on or about September 2nd.
The window labeled as #4 also blew in during that big storm weeks ago and shattered all over the pool and deck, hitting an instructor and worker. Could have been kids. Glass was everywhere.