The SCAAP program (explained in the blog above) gives us some clues about the number of illegal aliens doing time in Kane County. So if Perez won’t tell us, maybe we can flesh it out ourselves.
We are going to compare Kane County to Lake County. God bless him, Sheriff Mark Curran up in Lake County did an audit of his jail and revealed that 21.5% of his inmates were illegal aliens (September 2008).
Here is a detailed recap of SCAAP money “awarded” to counties. It is from the U. S. Department of Justice from the year 2006:
Total Beds
Kane 509, Lake 597
Lake County Jail is slightly larger
ICE-Eligible inmates (Certified illegal by Immigration)
Kane 114, Lake 93
Smaller jail, more known illegals
Illegal inmate days (“ICE-Eligible”)
Kane 6,593, Lake 4,754
Yep, we’re paying to feed them!
ICE-Unknown inmates (It frightens me to think that even the police aren’t sure!)
Kane 547, Lake 327
Another case of Kane being HIGHER
Unknown inmate days
Kane 25,040, Lake 13,733
Just for comparison, from the U. S. Census data…
Total population of Foreign-born
Kane 89,613, Lake 127,133
Total population
Kane 489,641, Lake 703,706
Certainly, Kane County Jail’s illegal alien population must be more than 21% based on this data alone.
And we ought to be absolutely certain that the screening program at the Kane County Jail is working well, and that the criminals are being deported rather than released.
And another thing, Perez. You won’t talk about them but you don’t mind taking federal money for them.

IDOC- Illinois State prisons
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