And I copied the three incumbent candidates for city council, on the outside chance one of them would respond back. No one has.
Here’s what I wrote:
I would like to report new graffiti. First, thank you for the clean-up across from the Boys/Girls Club on Dundee. And I noticed that the crew was working this morning cleaning the graffiti off at the American Little League field.
But they need to come back. The same area has been tagged again, just last night I suppose. There are pitchforks and swastikas and SVLK and MLD painted all over the place. The tunnel under Summit.
Three different billboards attached to the fence at the softball field.
Across the street at the boarded-up day care center.
Further down the street at 850 Summit they have tagged the door of the National City bank, visible to everyone who uses the drive-up or ATM. (How many dozens of Elginites a day see that?)
Don't stop. At 860 Summit the old marks are still there from last YEAR on the sign by the sidewalk.
But they have tagged the Yield sign,
the US Mailbox,
and a parking sign.
Just drive up along the north side of Murray Auto Parts and you'll spot them.
I suppose in the data analysis for the EPD this will all be lumped as ONE incident. Who cares. Half of what is turned in is not considered "gang" graffiti so it really doesn't matter.
Those of us who live here just want it cleaned up and the gangs sent packing so it doesn't happen again. And that isn't likely. Sorry to unload on you. It is going to be a long, hot summer.
(That's the end of my email)
What was I expecting the incumbents to say? Well, nothing. I would have been surprised to get a response from them.
But here’s my dream response. It is pure fantasy on my part:
Dear Mr. Heaton,
Thank you for calling this to our attention. We rely on our citizens to report problems in their neighborhoods so we can get them cleaned up.
I share your concern about graffiti as an indicator of the level of gang activity. We are always looking for new ideas.
In fact, on Monday we are meeting with Congressman Mark Kirk to discuss a new item of anti-gang legislation.
I have made arrangements for a van to take the mayor and my fellow council members to the press conference. I have also requested the presence of Chief Womack and Sheriff Perez. We have compiled our data regarding gangs and have asked Perez to give us a report on the number of illegal aliens currently in the Kane County Jail population.
After a careful study of the bill we plan to lobby Bill Foster for passage.
We are committed to cleaning up our image and we think fighting gangs on every front is an important part of that campaign.
Your fantasy incumbent
Well, the letter was a dream, but the Mark Kirk meeting was not. Click the link below to read about it. Notice that Elgin was absent from that press conference.
What does SVLK mean? I know MLD means Maniac Latin Disciplines. I'm guessing SVLK is some branch of Latin Kings?
ReplyDeleteMaybe Scandinavian Version Latin Kings? I don't know; ask the cops.