People in business know how expensive it is to buy billboard ad space. Lots of people see it daily.
And if you are scouting an area for a home or a business you can get a feel for the image of a city. Well, here goes.

Ellis Middle School on Liberty Street. We first noticed it over the New Year Holiday. It was still there this morning. Should I report it to police or Supt. Torres? IDOT car count: 11,200 cars per day drive past the school.
Update: I sent an e-mail to Dr. Torres last night. He's already been out to see for himself. He informed me that it had been cleaned up before he arrived. The city could take some lessons from him on responsiveness.

Here's a billboard at 860 Summit Street. I reported it on 11/28/08 to the police. Still there today. Car count: 18,300 per day

This is on the building at 465 Summit Street. He was so proud of his work he stopped to have a beer! Car count: 12,300 per day.
Update: Painted over. Confirmed 1/26/09
Highland and Crystal. Car count: 11,800 per day. I reported it to the police on 12/31/08.
Update: New billboard has been put up. I verified it on 1/25/09.
This is a companion to the billboard above. Reported the same day. Maybe drivers will be distracted by the Mexican flags flying in the car lot across the street and won't notice the artwork.
Update: New billboard has been put up. I verified it on 1/25/09.
Reported 12/17/08. Summit and Hiawatha. At the ENLL ballfield. Car count: 18,300.
Update: This billboard was cleaned up on February 1, 2009.
These signs of gang activity aren't in alleys, tunnels, and back fences. They are along the major roads leading through town.
Now, if only we can get all of them to go to the new city website to see this message...

...we can convince them that "you feel right at home." Otherwise they might get the wrong idea.