Tuesday, December 16, 2008

About the SEIU

We’ve noticed that the SEIU was negotiating with Governor Blagojevich for the Obama senate seat. They were part of a three-way scheme to find a lucrative position for Blago in exchange for the senate seat for “Candidate 1”.

So, what do we know about the SEIU?

SEIU stands for Service Employees International Union.

About 1.5 million (some say two million) workers pay dues to the SEIU. They are the largest and fastest-growing AFL-CIO segment.

This is what they say about their own political clout: “Record contributions by SEIU members make SEIU’s political action fund the largest in the country.”

SEIU gave over $2 MILLION to federal office candidates in 2008.
Here are the top recipients:
Top Recipients
Senate Obama, Barack $36,908
House Foster, Bill $20,000
House Edwards, Donna $17,300
House Richardson, Laura $15,000
House Hastings, Alcee L $13,400
House Cazayoux, Donald J $12,500
Senate Rockefeller, Jay $12,300
House Feder, Judith $11,000
House Pelosi, Nancy $10,650

In addition, here are the donations from SEIU over the last four years:
Noland $9,334
Gilliam $5,847
Schock $5,000
Figueroa $4,238
Walters $2,869

Perez $1,200

Note that THREE of the five labor unions the City of Elgin deals with are SEIU. They are:
SEIU Public Works
SEIU Clerical Technical
SEIU Part Time Custodians

SEIUs stand on illegal aliens has been removed from their website, but here is the text of their position as expressed to the Senate in January of 2007:
"Hard working, tax-paying immigrants who are living in this country should be given every opportunity to come forward, pay a fine, and earn legal status and a path toward citizenship. Successful reform mandates the most expansive earned legalization provisions that would make eligible the largest number of undocumented persons... The benefits of an expansive legalization program are clear: employer compliance with withholding requirements is best achieved by the highest level of participation in the legalization programs; people will come out of the shadows and be able to work at higher paying and more secure jobs; and families will be reunited."
"Text of Letter to Senator Kennedy from SEIU Leaders - SEIU Announces Agenda for Comprehensive Immigration Reform," www.seiu.org, Jan. 17, 2007

In the Blago complaint there are references to a group called “Change to Win.” Change to Win is the brainchild of SEIU President Andy Stern. Their stated objectives parallel Obama’s plan for American workers.
+ A paycheck that supports a family
+ Universal health care
+ A secure retirement
+ The freedom to form a union to give workers a voice on the job
From Change to Win Website: http://www.changetowin.org/about-us/mission.html

If press reports are correct we will see the last of those agenda items passed early in the new congress. It is also the most important one for the unions.

The “freedom to form a union” initiative means the elimination of the secret ballot for unionization. Obama supports it. Not very democratic, but with millions of dollars of PAC money at stake it is the least they can do for the brotherhood.

The Blago Three Way Deal
Now, let’s understand the “Three Way” strategy. It was nicely documented in the Blagojevich scandal. The SEIU became the go-between with the governor. Blago wanted a paid position at Change to Win, something that pays big. For him or for Patti. It really doesn’t matter.

The SEIU goes back to “Senate Candidate X” and works out the details. Remember, the SEIU by their own admission has the largest political action fund in the country. It is also important to remember that for Patrick Fitzgerald “wrongdoing” means that the other party agreed with Blago to provide something of value in exchange for the senate seat. It does NOT mean the SEIU is innocent, it just means they didn’t close the deal. One thing is for sure, the SEUI didn’t hang up on Blago the minute he started talking pay to play.

Another Blago Three Way Deal that went unnoticed
Here’s another Three Way. The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights was given free reign to write Blago’s New Americans program. Created by Executive Order (no legislative votes needed) it provides benefits for new immigrants to Illinois.

The only trouble is that it SPECIFICALLY INCLUDES illegal aliens in the program, contrary to federal law. And Joseph Geevarghese (an SEIU executive) was the TREASURER for the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights back when Blago signed the law.

Even today the board at ICIRR includes an SEIU member, David (Dino) Martino Political Director for SEIU Local 1. Now, the SEIU was top contributor to Blago in the 2006 election, giving him almost a MILLION DOLLARS, nearly 5% of all the money he received.


And note what Fred Tsao of ICIRR said when he heard Blago had been arrested: “He’s undertaken quite a number of initiatives designed to benefit immigrants in our state,” says Fred Tsao, policy director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. “Being the son of a Serbian immigrant himself, he definitely understood immigration on a very deep and personal level.” (from WBEZ news report 12/12/08)

An Elgin Three Way?
Now, the makings of an Elgin Three Way. Keep an eye on Arnoldo Fabela. He’s an organizer on the SEIU full-time payroll. He’s organized May Day protest marches for illegals in Elgin as well as the long march from Chicago to Hastert’s office on Labor Day a couple of years ago. He’s also politically active in town as a SOAP officer and part of the Unity in the Community bunch.

To add to the fun, ICIRR has assigned one of their employees, Ashley Moy-Wooten, to advise SOAP on getting their way with Elgin leaders. SOAP might be able to deny (with a straight face) that they are pro-illegal alien but ICIRR and SEIU certainly cannot.

You’ve got known SEIU contributions to city council candidates along with SEIU union contracts with the city. And you’ve got a history of the SEIU advocating for illegal aliens. This is a Three Way deal just waiting to happen.