Dear Mr. Folarin:
I understand that your Community Outreach Coordinator is making presentations to immigrant groups about their rights and responsibilities. Others have done an excellent job articulating the rights of immigrants.
Our organization, the Association for Legal Americans, is very concerned about assimilation here in Elgin. We consider the lack of assimilation to be a major source of friction in our community. As an immigrant yourself I’m sure you can relate to what may seem like trivial or perhaps odd cultural norms. At the same time you realize how important it is to blend in with the neighbors.
May we offer the following suggestions as part of Elgin’s presentation on responsibilities:
1) You are expected to be financially responsible and support yourself and your family. This includes carrying health insurance and automobile insurance. It also includes saving for your retirement.
2) If you are involved in an automobile accident you must not leave the scene. Remain at the scene of the accident, make sure medical needs are attended to, and contact the police. Do not leave until instructed to do so by a police officer.
3) You must have proper authorization to work in the United States. People here on tourist visas are NOT permitted to work.
4) You must not use fraudulent documents under any circumstances.
5) It is against the law to work for cash. You must declare your wages to the government and have taxes withheld from your pay. This is for your protection and benefit.
6) If you are here without a green card or work visa you must take your family and return to your home country. As a government agency the City of Elgin can only advise you to leave the country if you are undocumented.
7) There are many programs, some are free-of-charge, where you can learn English. When out in public it is considered rude to speak your native tongue around those who do not understand you.
8) Housing customs here may be different than in your home country. Most homes and apartments should be limited to you, your spouse, and your own children. These homes were designed for one family and one or two cars. Do not exceed the housing capacity or allow multiple families to live in your home.
9) Parking is only allowed in the garage, driveway, and (in some cases) the street in front of your house. Do NOT park across the sidewalk, on the lawn, in front of someone else’s house, or on the patio.
10) You are expected to maintain the appearance of your home. You should mow the lawn regularly, trim bushes and remove weeds. You should rake the fallen leaves. Snow and ice should be removed from the sidewalks. Peeling paint and clogged/sagging rain gutters should also be repaired.
11) Playing loud music in your car or home is considered rude. If your neighbor can hear your music it is too loud. Please respect the privacy of others by keeping the volume low. If you are having an outdoor party it is wise to turn off the music at dark.
12) The city has ordinances that prohibit major car repairs on the street or in your driveway.
13) About pets. Elgin is not zoned for farm animals. Exotic animals are strictly controlled as well.
14) We are allowed 3 dogs, which are to be properly confined indoors or out. They are to be on leashes when not confined. They should have proper identification, meaning tags or a microchip. Rabies shots must be up-to-date. If an animal is found on the run the animal control officer will be called and the dog removed to the pound. A fee will be charged to release the animal.
15) All dogs bark sometimes. However, a lengthy time of this disturbance is also a noise nuisance, which will be handled by the police department. The dogs should also be spayed or neutered if not for breeding purposes.
16) Cats should be kept indoors and should be spayed or neutered unless they are to be used for breeding.
17) Drinking and driving are against the law and very dangerous. Do not attempt to drive after you have had more than two drinks. Call a cab or ask a sober friend to drive you home.
18) You must have a license to drive in Illinois. Do not risk driving without one.
19) Spouse abuse is a serious crime in the United States. This includes not only physical abuse but also emotional and sexual forms.
20) Although littering may be acceptable in your home country it is NOT allowed in the United States. If public trash cans are not available, carry your litter home and throw it away. Do not throw litter from your car or drop it in the street.
21) It is NEVER appropriate to urinate or defecate in public.
22) Children should not be allowed to wander free in malls or stores. You should be in constant visual contact with them at all times. They should not be allowed to run, yell, play with merchandise, or otherwise disturb other customers in the stores.
23) As children approach the teen years be especially careful of their friends and activities. If you have reason to believe your child has joined a gang, contact the police or your child’s school for advice.
24) Education is the key to success. Your child will be expected to graduate from high school. Encourage them to stay in school. Work with the teachers to make sure they succeed academically.
Doug Heaton
President, Association for Legal Americans
Folarin’s response:
Thank you for the suggestions. We have forwarded your e-mail to our Community Outreach Coordinator for incorporation into her presentation.