Friday, November 14, 2008

Who's failing us? Part Two, Elgin

An interesting thing happened in September. Lake County Sheriff Mark Curran held a press conference to reveal that 21% of his inmates were confirmed illegal aliens. And Immigration was falling all over itself to be there and show support to Curran. So were all sorts of other dignitaries.

If I’ve learned anything about Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) these two notions stand out:
1) ICE goes where they are invited. If Chicago wants to be a sanctuary city then ICE will not spend much time there. If the Kane County Jail is lukewarm about enforcement, ICE won’t press the issue. You’ll never see ICE call a news conference to say that such-and-such a jurisdiction is uncooperative. But they will go somewhere else if they get the cold shoulder. And who can blame them? They’ve got plenty of work elsewhere.
2) ICE doesn’t like negative publicity. They go out of their way to avoid being criticized for their failures.

So, if we have a local community (like Elgin) willing to stand up against illegal aliens in a public way ICE will be there to help.

We know from reviewing arrest records that we have a number of people in custody who are clearly deportable under current guidelines. Some that stand out are:
Known gang members
Previously deported
ICE fugitives who have defied deportation orders

So, why aren’t they being picked up by ICE? Well, ICE may not know about them until it is too late. Elgin Police Department does the screening by looking them up on the computer. When they get a “hit” the logical thing to do is to pick up the phone and tell ICE about it.

Update: On January 21st Chief Womack issued a memo to city hall explaining the process. Details emerged that were never answered in our request to city council on 7/28/08. Strangely, those details were also omitted when the Chief made a presentation on the subject to the city council on 12/17/08.

She said that "hits" exposing illegal aliens are immediately phoned in to the local ICE office for instructions.

It is true that the written reports are forwarded to the ICE officers at the Kane County Jail for review.

Actual memo can be viewed here:

But Elgin doesn't do that. They simply log the results on a spreadsheet and process the illegal alien just like they would anyone else. Then after the end of the month (sometimes WEEKS AFTER) they send the report with all the details to the local Immigration office.
Can you see the problem with such timing? The criminal illegal alien is long gone by the time ICE opens up the report.

As a result there have been ten repeat arrests of illegal aliens (about 5% of the total) in Elgin. Why aren’t they deported the first time? Because Elgin isn’t demanding it.

The mayor and city council have been made aware of this problem and have not taken action. Have they ever discussed these monthly reports in city council meeting? No. Have they followed the pattern set by Sheriff Curran and called a press conference? No.

When Chief Womack met with our group in August she was very pleased with the way things were going. In fact, she liked things BEFORE they started 100% screening. Elgin Police leaders do not want to make this a bigger issue. They are content to wait for signals from Washington about amnesty.

All the while we are processing about one illegal alien a day and keeping it a secret from Immigration until it is too late to do anything about it.

Just a word about the brave officers who strap on a gun for us every day. We do not mean to criticize them at all. The problem is at the top. It has been our experience that the cops on the street want to enforce the law; they want to make our streets safe.

Our beef is with the leadership at city hall for not directing the chief of police to do more. Merely keeping score of the numbers does not solve the problem.

In New Jersey and Colorado state leaders have taken steps to do 100% screening and create a paper trail that they have notified Immigration of people in custody. They are also required to notify the prosecutor, the county jail, and the judge setting bail.

When someone dies as a result of sloppy immigration enforcement we will wish we had done more than just keep score.


  1. It seems to me we have been spinning our wheels trying to capture the thousands that are not Legal Citizens. When we have our own Elected Officials breaking the laws that they pledged to uphold. Law enforcement may as well approach Illegals with a Box of Candy and a Dozen Roses along with a WELCOME CARD, for all the good it does them.
    Elected Officials pledged to uphold the Constitution of these United States and Clearly THEY ARE NOT, They pledged to protect the Homeland and Clearly THEY ARE NOT. Wouldn't it then not be easier to get rid of those LAW BREAKERS. We need HONEST LEADERS THAT ARE NOT AFRAID TO DO THE JOB THEY WERE ELECTED TO DO. WE NEED PEOPLE THAT WILL UPHOLD THE LAW AND WILL ENFORCE IT. Not only will Elgin be lost but the whole country. We will be know as THE UNITED STATES LAND OF THE FREE FOR ALL, DO AS YOU LIKE, WE HAVE NO LAWS COUNTRY.

  2. Let's see, truckertom went on your local radio wrmn years ago and explained how CROOKED TOP COPS use the street cop to do the dirty work. Most street cops are honest and decent,a good cop will not be very PROMOTABLE,yea maybe a sgt. but not much more. Only the crooks willing to submit to combine control. Look at the facts,4000 citizens petitioned for COOPERATION with the feds on 287g,what did shlock do with those petitions? Look at the sheriff :PEREZ >response to AFLA, threatening tone?????? these guys got BIG troubles if they are thinking that letter was THREATENING. that guy is the sheriff of YOUR county!!!!!!wake up CONTACT NATIONAL CABLE to explain the perez story, tell about 4000 citizens petitioning for RIGHTS they should have. These crooked top cops will never change without time in the joint. The feds are the good guys,look at worksite enforcement last two years,they are work'in HARD'but crooked cops REFUSE to cooperate. It's up to you,truckertom got banned from wrmn for talkin the truth. Call mikeyH and pitch a grip,wrmn847 931 1410.OPen mike monday morning until they can it. We just called the friday morning police show and mikey refused to ask the deputy chief our question about 287g. wrmn is a joke,they front the crooks and refuse HONEST peoples question. call mikek h and give your opinion,he pretends to sak for it!!!!!!GOD BLESS AFLA ,we can do it. YES WE CAN

  3. Looks like someone had advance notice about WRMN. They squashed the monday 'your turn' segment on the 1410 airwaves. Another example of typical Elgin business' that REFUSE to help the legal populace,but bends over backward to futher the illegals plight. Face the facts --the top crooked cops and crooked businessmen in Elgin make alotta $$$$ money from the illegals. I hope they face the MAKER with a clear mind. The pensions blind them to HONOR.

  4. We need to be reminded that our officials are indeed elected by a majority... To you who don't understand a majority, it means more people want the person in office than the other guy running. We hold our own fate in our own hands, and if you "die hard" illegal activists don't like it, maybe YOU should spend time as an illegal in a different country to see what it is like. Cry babies acting like spoiled children who don't get what they want is not going to get anything accomplished.

  5. It does not matter who is elected or serving in office, we are a country of laws and the crooked cops and corrupt pols who were ELECTED are going to face justice before they collect that filthy pension. Get real mister,the majority never ELECTED these crooks to break U.S. laws! Several states have been moving full speed to expose these crooks i.e. Oklahoma and N.C. God Bless AFLA
