We know there are gangs in town. Graffiti has been out of control for a couple of years now. And the gang committee (formed after the summer of bullets last year) gave us a profile of gang members.
(*If you want to know who “they” are, here it is.)
There are 1,088 known gang members or about 1% of Elgin’s population
72% are out on the street
11% are serving jail time
7% are “inactive” (Gee, do they get retirement pay?)
10% have been deported
54% are Hispanic
34% are African American
8% are Caucasian
4% are Asian
The oldest is 50. The youngest is 15.
4% are 17 and under
16% are 18-21
40% are 22-28
38% are 29-39
3% are over 40
Source: Gang Prevention & Intervention Report – Elgin 6/11/2008
Here are some recent news items:
9/25/08 Carpentersville: 29-year-old woman gave false name to police and resisted arrest.
9/25/08 Elgin: 30-year-old man gave false name to police and resisted arrest.
9/23/08 Elgin: 21-year-old man gave false name to police.
9/20/08 Carpentersville: 17-year-old boy resisted arrest.
9/16/08 Carpentersville: 18-year-old arrested for having a gun near Dundee-Crown High School.
9/17/08 Carpentersville: Three people, ages 18, 19 and 23, were arrested for breaking the windows of the home of a Carpentersville Policeman who arrested the youth with a gun (above).
9/16/08 West Dundee: Four teens were arrested after a gang fight at Spring Hill Mall.
9/15/08 Elgin: Shots fired at Bent and St. Charles Streets
9/16/08 Elgin: Shots fired at Bent and Cleveland Streets
It may seem a bit foolish to give the wrong name to police, but perhaps not. The illegal alien out in Colorado who killed three in the Baskin-Robbins case had a rap sheet of 30 offenses with a variety of aliases. It took Immigration TWO DAYS to pin down his real identity. And the woman who killed four children on a school bus in Minnesota resulted in a FOUR DAY search for her real identity.
Here are some photos of an Elgin Police Car that was “tagged” with graffiti:
There are 1,088 known gang members or about 1% of Elgin’s population
72% are out on the street
11% are serving jail time
7% are “inactive” (Gee, do they get retirement pay?)
10% have been deported
54% are Hispanic
34% are African American
8% are Caucasian
4% are Asian
The oldest is 50. The youngest is 15.
4% are 17 and under
16% are 18-21
40% are 22-28
38% are 29-39
3% are over 40
Source: Gang Prevention & Intervention Report – Elgin 6/11/2008
Here are some recent news items:
9/25/08 Carpentersville: 29-year-old woman gave false name to police and resisted arrest.
9/25/08 Elgin: 30-year-old man gave false name to police and resisted arrest.
9/23/08 Elgin: 21-year-old man gave false name to police.
9/20/08 Carpentersville: 17-year-old boy resisted arrest.
9/16/08 Carpentersville: 18-year-old arrested for having a gun near Dundee-Crown High School.
9/17/08 Carpentersville: Three people, ages 18, 19 and 23, were arrested for breaking the windows of the home of a Carpentersville Policeman who arrested the youth with a gun (above).
9/16/08 West Dundee: Four teens were arrested after a gang fight at Spring Hill Mall.
9/15/08 Elgin: Shots fired at Bent and St. Charles Streets
9/16/08 Elgin: Shots fired at Bent and Cleveland Streets
It may seem a bit foolish to give the wrong name to police, but perhaps not. The illegal alien out in Colorado who killed three in the Baskin-Robbins case had a rap sheet of 30 offenses with a variety of aliases. It took Immigration TWO DAYS to pin down his real identity. And the woman who killed four children on a school bus in Minnesota resulted in a FOUR DAY search for her real identity.
Here are some photos of an Elgin Police Car that was “tagged” with graffiti:

And here is some of the gang graffiti I’ve reported this summer.

For some reason the one on the back of a state road sign has not been cleaned up three weeks after being reported.

Let’s hope we see some new faces on the City Council in 2009…faces who understand this problem and have the backbone to tell it like it is! It is obvious that waiting for Washington and sending “resolutions” to the White House aren’t going to fix things.
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