That's right! Monday night (August 18th) at the Jubilee Church at 677 Luda Street (Elgin's east side) at 5:30 pm Centro de Informacion is holding a special class for illegal aliens. The title:
"Immigration raids.
Know your rights and be prepared!"
OK, Heaton, so how is it you figure the taxpayers are funding this? Look in your mailbox. Ruth Munson just mailed out her Capitol Update - Summer 2008. One of her "accomplishments" is on page 4 where she explains that she got $40,000 for Centro de Informacion.

It's nice to know that government is so flush with cash that they can spend our tax money to coach illegal aliens on the finer points of immigration law so they can make it more difficult for Immigration to do their job.
Well, Munson lost her bid. Perhaps this is what happens to Republicans who who try to be liberal.