At first I thought this was a new program and that’s why all the complaints. But it turns out that they have been doing this program for at least the last couple of years.
KCAL-TV, the CBS affiliate in Los Angeles did a report in October of 2005 where 20 people were arrested and 171 vehicles impounded in Pomona. Similar stories were aired in December 2005 and six times in 2006 (over a period of months).
There was a checkpoint reported on March 29, 2008 where two arrests were made and 194 vehicles impounded.
So, why all the protests? Well, maybe because this last checkpoint was Cinco de Mayo week end. Or maybe because the mayor is running for a seat in the California General Assembly. Or maybe because one member of the city council turns out to be a Latino activist. She has called the police checkpoints “Gestapo” tactics.
The police chief, who is also Hispanic, was offended by the “Gestapo” label and wrote a letter to the newspaper. Here’s what Police Chief Joe Romero wrote:
Such death whether caused by a car or a bullet requires our full energy and united resolve.
Sadly, we know that to a grieving mother it matters not how their son or daughter is killed - car or bullet - the pain is the same...
Councilwoman Carrizosa is accurate when she points out that we have an impoverished segment of our community.
But does that mean economics is the gauge for what is right and wrong? The possibilities are endless: just think about the impoverished burglar who breaks into cars or homes.
I have lived in Pomona all my life and I am not blind to the immense social needs of my community.
I can tell you that neither are the rest of the men and women of the Pomona Police Department…
Just imagine one of my officers finding a car being driven by an unlicensed driver and letting that violator drive off.
How quick would the city of Pomona be named in a lawsuit should that unlicensed driver go down the road and slam into a car carrying an innocent family of four?
Regardless of the litigation aspect, who is callous enough to live with that decision? Blood on one's hands is an awful stain to bear.
No matter what kind of stance anyone has on this issue, we all have an obligation to obey the rules of the road. Please drive safely and continue to make Pomona better in all aspects.
(Source: 05/20/2008 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin)
I hope this statement attributed to city council member Christina Carrizosa is a case of bad news reporting: “Carrizosa along with residents have said the checkpoint was heavy-handed and impacted the poor and those without driver's licenses.” (Source: 05/28/2008 Inland Valley Daily Bulletin) Otherwise, there is clearly a problem when an elected official is advocating the protection of unlicensed drivers!
AFLA would like to remind you that it is important to uphold the law in the community, even if some groups are offended by enforcement. We support the efforts of law enforcement to keep us safe.